Eksplorasi Eksplorasi Bahasa pada Anak Afasia Wernicke-Motorik Transkortikal Usia 7 Tahun_Vrestanti Novalia Santosa

  • Vrestanti Novalia Santosa IKIP BUDI UTOMO
Keywords: language exploration, werniche’s aphasia, transcortical motoric aphasia


Language disorders of aphasia have not been widely studied. Moreover, regarding the
language comprehension of the sufferer. Public understanding of aphasia is still lacking. People
underestimate aphasic. This condition encourages research on language comprehension in
autistic children aged 7 years with transcortical wernicke-motoric aphasia. Based on this
background, the problems of this study are (1) how is the language comprehension in autistic
children aged 7 years with transcortical wernicke-motoric aphasia? The theory that becomes the
research reference is the aphasia theory of Arifuddin, Lumbantobing, and Fuller with the
qualitative-descriptive research method of the type of case study. The results showed that the
comprehension of aphasia language was studied from the aspect of the language unit form,
consisting of a) phonas (including articulatory phonetics); b) words (nouns; verbs; adjectives;
adverbs; pronouns: first person, possess pronouns, and indicative pronouns; numeralia:
cardinal numbers; and interrogative words; c) sentences with a pattern: (1) S + P + O, (2) S + P,
(3) P + S, (4) K (time) + P, (5) P (+ particle-lah) + S + P + O, (6) K (time) + S + P, (7) K (place) +

How to Cite
Santosa, V. (2023). Eksplorasi Eksplorasi Bahasa pada Anak Afasia Wernicke-Motorik Transkortikal Usia 7 Tahun_Vrestanti Novalia Santosa. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 4(01), 377-394. https://doi.org/10.33503/prosiding.v4i01.3614
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