Pengaruh Latihan Zig-Zag Run Dan Shuttle Run Terhadap Kemampuan Dribbling Bola Siswa Sekolah Sepak Bola (SSB) Mahayana Usia 10-11 Di Senggreng Kecamatan Sumberpucung Kabupaten Malang

  • Erfitra Rezqi Prasmala IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Muchammad Chasan Assyafiansyah
Keywords: Practice, Zig-zag run, Shuttle Run, Ball Dribbling


This study aims to determine the effect of Zig-zag run and shuttle run training on ball dribbling abilities in soccer games. The subjects used were SSB Mahayana Senggreng participants, Suberpucung District with a total of 18 participants. This study used an experimental method with the independent variable zig-zag run training, the free variable shuttle run training, and the dependent variable (Y) ball dribbling ability. This type of research is an experiment with a pre-test and post-test group research design. The instruments used are: Ball dribbling test, while for data analysis the t-test is used. Based on the results of testing the hypothesis of the zig-zag run exercise variable, the t-table value at a significance level of 5% and db = 8 is 1.86. Meanwhile, the t-count value is 3.2. And by testing the hypothesis of the shuttle run training variable, the t-table value at a significance level of 5% and db = 8 was 1.86. The t-count value is 1.023. Furthermore, the results of the mean difference test obtained the t-table value at the 5% significance level of 1.75 and the 1% significance level of 2.58 with db = 16. The t-count value was obtained at 0.748. So it can be concluded: (1) There is a significant effect of zig-zag run training on the ability to dribbling the ball in a soccer game (2) There is no significant effect of the shuttle run exercise on the ability to dribbling the ball in a soccer game (3) There is a significant difference in the effect There is a significant difference between zig-zag run and shuttle run training on ball dribbling ability in soccer games.

How to Cite
Prasmala, E., & Assyafiansyah, M. (2023). Pengaruh Latihan Zig-Zag Run Dan Shuttle Run Terhadap Kemampuan Dribbling Bola Siswa Sekolah Sepak Bola (SSB) Mahayana Usia 10-11 Di Senggreng Kecamatan Sumberpucung Kabupaten Malang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 4(01), 179-186.
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