Strategi Pengelolaan Kelas Dalam Menciptakan Suasana Belajar Untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas X Melalui Penggunaan Aplikasi Quiziz di SMA Negeri 1 Pahunga Lodu

  • Debi Setiawati Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah dan Sosiologi, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Sisilia Kahi Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah dan Sosiologi, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: Quiziz Application, , students, Learning Effectiveness


This study aims to find out how to increase the effectiveness of history learning through the use of the Quiziz application on a Quiziz learning media. This research is a class activity research that will be carried out on class X students at SMA Negeri 1 Pahunga Lodu with a sample of 34 students. This research was carried out when the learning process in the classroom was started or it could also be used as homework. Each meeting consists of 3 stages, namely, planning stage, implementation stage, and observation. This research uses quantitative methods, quantitative research is carried out by collecting information in a number frame, then it is prepared and analyzed to obtain data. In this study, using ex-post facto to design and explain the causal relationship. In this case, it will explore causal relationships and test hypotheses between variables that have been formulated previously. The variable is the use of the Quiziz application learning media in increasing the effectiveness of learning in the History subject of Class X students at SMA Negeri 1 Pahunga Lodu. Based on the results of the analysis on the variables using the quiziz application, the students of class X IPS 4 SMA Negeri 1 Pahunga Lodu can be seen that the score that has been obtained by students is 100, and the minimum score obtained by students is 50. The average score obtained is 50. Students have obtained the variable (X) 87,26472 with a range of 50. While the values for skewnes and kurtosis are -1.7047 and 2.812362, respectively, and a standard deviation of 12.46889 from the ideal score that may be achieved by students. While the results of the output on the Normality test, it can be seen that the significant value (Y) is 0.013 0.05, so H1 received is normally distributed. Thus it can be concluded that in learning activities using the internet-based Quiziz application learning model or method has a positive effect on student learning achievement.


How to Cite
Setiawati, D., & Kahi, S. (2023). Strategi Pengelolaan Kelas Dalam Menciptakan Suasana Belajar Untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas X Melalui Penggunaan Aplikasi Quiziz di SMA Negeri 1 Pahunga Lodu. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 4(01), 158-167.
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