Unused Items as an Home Decor

  • Firda Alfiana Patricia IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Dekorasi rumah, talenan, kancing baju


While occupying our current residence, we may just realize that there are items that are no longer used and have piled up at home or become unused items. Recycling for environmental preservation is one way to reuse items that are no longer used, instead of throwing them away. There are various materials and household items that can be processed and reused. One of them is a cutting board or mat for cutting and buttons for clothes that can be used as a marker for house numbers, like those made by a group of women in the Simpang Sukun Pondok Indah housing complex. Utilizing unused items can produce new items that are interesting and useful.

How to Cite
Patricia, F. (2023). Unused Items as an Home Decor. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(01), 7-10. Retrieved from http://ejurnal.uibu.ac.id/index.php/prosiding_pengabmas/article/view/2570
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