Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka Penggalang Meningkatkan Prestasi dan Daya Imun Siswa Di SDN Sidorahayu 1 Kecamatan Wagir, Malang

  • Ratno Susanto IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Trinovandhi Setyawan IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Paulus Rah Adi Pawitra IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Ekstrakurikuler, pramuka, prestasi, siswa


This community service is to produce students with character. Scouting is a popular scouting movement word in Indonesia. Extracurricular activities are a place that really helps students in developing their potential. In addition, scouting is an educational process outside the school environment and outside the family environment in the form of interesting, fun, healthy, organized, directed, practical activities carried out in nature with the Basic Principles of Scouting and Scouting Methods, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of character, morals and character. The method used is socialization and learning in scouting. The results of the dedication were very enthusiastic and received support from the teachers and guardians for students with character. The conclusion of scouts that character is something that is inherent in a person in the form of innate, heart, soul, personality, character, behavior, personality, nature, character, temperament, character. So that with the character that is embedded in each individual can improve quality.

How to Cite
Susanto, R., Setyawan, T., & Pawitra, P. (2023). Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka Penggalang Meningkatkan Prestasi dan Daya Imun Siswa Di SDN Sidorahayu 1 Kecamatan Wagir, Malang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(01), 45-48. Retrieved from http://ejurnal.uibu.ac.id/index.php/prosiding_pengabmas/article/view/2593
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