Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Diare Pada Anak-Anak

  • Yosafat Adi Winarno IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Luthfie Lufthansa IKIP BUDI UTOMO
Keywords: penyuluhan, diare, kesehatan


Diarrheal disease is still a public health problem in developing countries such as Indonesia, because of its high morbidity and mortality. This can be seen from the increase in diarrhea morbidity rates from year to year. Therefore, through PMBP (Potential-Based Community Service) activities, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang students as servants held an event "Counseling on diarrhea in children. The dedication method is carried out by way of the presentation method to educate the public about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, debriefing with students, this method is carried out by means of debriefing between presenters and participants, clean school. The results of dedication in terms of the implementation of the work program have been achieved in full from the total number of targets. The first work program is to provide counseling to children which is delivered in detail and comprehensively. The second work program is a discussion or question and answer about diarrhea prevention. The third work program is a demonstration of a healthy way of life, to further increase children's understanding. The fourth work program is carrying out social services. This is very important because by carrying out social services by working together to clean up the environment in surrounding schools. it can be concluded that community service activities attended by students from SDN Tambakasri 5, Malang Regency, East Java province with an age range of 8-12 years can run smoothly, delivery of material and practice can be delivered well, and all participants are active. participants experienced some increase in knowledge or practice in carrying out a healthy lifestyle

How to Cite
Winarno, Y., & Lufthansa, L. (2023). Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Diare Pada Anak-Anak. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(01), 79-83. Retrieved from
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