Penguatan Edukasi Hukum Dampak Informasi Informasi Hoax di Media Sosial Era Masyarakat Industri 4.0

Keywords: Legal Education, Hoax Information


The rapid development of information and communication technology is directly proportional to the development of technology, especially the internet. These developments have more or less led to positive things, but of course there are negative impacts that come with it. The existence of the internet, coupled with the culture that has developed in the new public space, makes it difficult for people to differentiate between factual information and hoax information. The phenomenon of hoax information in Indonesia has caused divisions among the nation's children, both in the name of religion, ethnicity and class. Hoax information can literally be interpreted as a hoax, joke, deceptive plan, telling a false story, misleading publicity, or business fraud via print or electronic media. Based on this phenomenon, we feel the need to educate the public about the impact of spreading hoax information. Considering that the role of the Government is not strong enough to work alone, the community and various parties must participate in helping fight HOAX INFORMATION. The method that will be used in this community service is through outreach activities to strengthen legal education by discussing and providing exposure regarding the risks from the spread of hoax information which will be held at Pengajian Azzahra RW 7, Karang Besuki Village.


How to Cite
HIDAYATI, P. (2023). Penguatan Edukasi Hukum Dampak Informasi Informasi Hoax di Media Sosial Era Masyarakat Industri 4.0. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(01), 84-91.
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