Atlas Identifikasi Tumbuhan Sebagai Media Wisata Edukasi di Taman Botani Kecamatan Sukorambi Kabupaten Jember

  • Diah Sudiarti Universitas Islam Jember
  • Haning Hasbiyati Universitas Islam Jember
Keywords: Atlas, Plant Identification, Botanical Tourism Park


This atlas was compiled based on  the result of research on plant identification in the Sukorambi Botanical Garden, Jember Regency. The research results obtained can be developed into a form that is ready to be implemented and utilized by the community. Sukorambi Botanical Garden is a nature tourism park with the concept of recreation while learning. In the Sukorambi Botanical Garden, there are various types of plants and are scattered throughout the area. The Sukorambi Botanical Garden has great potential if it can be used as an educational tour, however, to make it an educational tour, the botanical tourist park is still not equipped with media for education, namely what types of plants are there, so there is a need for a plant identification atlas to make it easier for visitors, especially students, to go on educational tours. Based on the results of this development activity, it was concluded that the plant identification atlas could be used as an educational tourism medium at the Botanical Park, Sukorambi sub-district, Jember district.

How to Cite
Sudiarti, D., & Hasbiyati, H. (2023). Atlas Identifikasi Tumbuhan Sebagai Media Wisata Edukasi di Taman Botani Kecamatan Sukorambi Kabupaten Jember. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(01), 123-130.
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