Pembantuan Tenaga Kerja dan Pembuatan Konten Kreatif untuk Pemasaran Produk Kopi Koetjoer di Desa Kucur

  • Siti Napfiah IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Mika Ambarawati IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Adinda Yudhistira Putri Arini IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Ari Alfiani IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Kucur, Coffee, Farmer, Koetjoer, Independent Farmers Republic


Kucur Village was once famous for commodity coffee before oranges. This happens because the geographical location is favorable for growing coffee plants. however, as time went on, Kucur Village barely produced coffee. this happened because the price of coffee beans dropped dramatically. many farmers are switching from being citrus farmers. however, there are some farmers who still grow coffee. Therefore for facilitate coffee farmers, the formation of a group of Independent Farmers Republic (RTM). The aim of this group is to increase the selling price of coffee beans and to give more respect to farmers, especially coffee farmers. A group or organization is definitely not free from problems, and so is RTM. This group experienced both internal and external problems. such as the lack of manpower to produce coffee and also not being able to introduce Koetjoer Coffee to the general public. Therefore, the PMBP Sederhana Group provides a solution in the form of helping in the coffee making process. Apart from that, the PMBP Sederhana Group also participates in marketing and introducing Kopi Koetjoer products by creating content that is innovative and interesting. This has a positive impact because the production produced more and more people know that in Kucur Village there are Koetjoer Coffee products.

How to Cite
Napfiah, S., Ambarawati, M., Arini, A. Y. P., & Alfiani, A. (2023). Pembantuan Tenaga Kerja dan Pembuatan Konten Kreatif untuk Pemasaran Produk Kopi Koetjoer di Desa Kucur. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(01), 210-222.
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