Penyuluhan Bahasa pada Kegiatan Administratif di KUD Gunung Makmur Desa Penanggal Kecamatan Candipuro Kabupaten Lumajang

  • Vrestanti Novalia Santosa IKIP BUDI UTOMO
  • Siska Nanda Widhaningrum STIKES Maharani Malang
Keywords: counseling, language, administrative activities, KUD Gunung Makmur, Penanggal Village


Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) are cooperatives in rural areas engaged in providing community needs related to agricultural activities. The Village Unit Cooperative can also be said to be a forum for economic organization with a social character and is a forum for the development of various rural community economic activities organized by the community and for the community itself. Village Unit Cooperatives are also referred to as multi-business cooperatives because they try to fulfill various fields such as savings and loans, consumption, production, marketing and services. The situation at KUD Gunung Makmur Penanggal shows that in carrying out tasks, especially in preparing the materials and information needed, the results are still minimal or have not been implemented optimally. This is evident from the implementation of administrative tasks that have not been carried out properly, especially in terms of language both in writing and orally. The purpose of implementing this community service is (1) being able to make a guest book, (2) being able to archive incoming and outgoing letters correctly and according to the provisions, (3) being able to archive important data, so it's easy to find it, when needed at any time, (4) able to communicate politely according to linguistic rules. The community service activity program is carried out at the Gunung Makmur KUD office, Penanggal Village. The training materials provided include (1) skills in making guest books; (2) skills in filing incoming and outgoing letters correctly and according to regulations; (3) skills in archiving important data, so that it is easy to find them, when needed at any time; (4) polite active communication according to linguistic rules. The time for carrying out the activity is August 15-20 2022. It is important to improve the ability to communicate both orally and in writing for all devices or staff at KUD Gunung Makmur Penanggal Village in carrying out administrative tasks, especially village administration which includes skills in making guest books, skills in filing incoming letters and outgoing letters correctly and according to the provisions, as well as archiving important data, so it's easy to find it, when needed at any time. However, this activity can be carried out optimally, if there is cooperation from all elements in the KUD. We have great hopes, to carry out community service with the help of all KUD Gunung Makmur staff in Penanggal Village. 

How to Cite
Santosa, V., & Widhaningrum, S. (2023). Penyuluhan Bahasa pada Kegiatan Administratif di KUD Gunung Makmur Desa Penanggal Kecamatan Candipuro Kabupaten Lumajang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(01), 250 - 262.
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