Pendampingan dan Edukasi Masyarakat di Mangliawan Malang Tahun 2023: Peningkatan Kesadaran Lingkungan

  • Susilo Bekti IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: kesadaran lingkungan, ibu-ibu kelompok PKK, pendampingan


The role of PKK group mothers in environmental management is important because they can influence changes in behavior and understanding at the household and community level, which greatly contributes to environmental conservation and sustainability efforts. The problem is how to make this hope come true in RW 16 Mangliawan Malang , because in fact, PKK group mothers in RW 16 do not consistently participate actively in environmental management. This type of community service is Environmental Service, because the activities aim to preserve and protect the environment. The service will be carried out from January 2 to July 30 2023 in RW 16 Mangliawan Malang, targeting PKK mothers, by mentoring method. The activities of PKK mothers that have been carried out through Community Service are: 1) Through regular PKK meetings, mothers are invited to discuss environmental management. The deliberation resulted in an agreement, namely the picket schedule at TOGA park, sources of funding for environmental management, utilization of TOGA results and mass community service; 2) Preparation of TOGA park maintenance picket schedule; 3) Implementation of pickets in TOGA park; 4) Mass community service for environmental care. Increasing the activity of PKK group mothers in environmental management can be done through: 1) Education and awareness about the benefits of environmental management. This activity was carried out during the regular PKK meeting. 2) Providing a positive example; 3) Participation in planning; 4) Involvement in environmental management that is adjusted to the mothers' schedules; 5) Providing recognition and awards using effective communication tools, for example WhatsApp.

How to Cite
Bekti, S. (2023). Pendampingan dan Edukasi Masyarakat di Mangliawan Malang Tahun 2023: Peningkatan Kesadaran Lingkungan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(01), 92-102.
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