Football Athletes' Motivation Without Spectators in The Stands During The New Normal

  • Zikrur Rahmat Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Irfandi Irfandi Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
Keywords: Motivation Level, New Normal


The match was watched by millions of spectators which made the players' enthusiasm even moreimproved and motivated, but now have to compete behind closed doors. Based on The audience coach's statement plays an important role for players because it can Motivate the players on the pitch and add enthusiasm to achieve victory, where they fall behind the opposing team here is the role. The audience is really needed to raise enthusiasm and motivation for the audience players during a match. The audience is also    often referred to as the 12th player of a game team. One of the impacts of this pandemic is being felt by soccer athletes, one of them The only impact of this pandemic is being felt by soccer athletes in Indonesia, where with the rules there should be no crowds, this also reduces their competitive motivation. Ruseski (2014:396) says by exercising or regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic disease, reduce stress and depression, improve emotional well-being, energy levels, self-confidence and satisfaction with social activities. During this pandemic afflict Indonesia, awareness to exercise from everyone to exercise more increased, but with limited activities outside the home and places general to keep your distance and avoid crowds. The role of the audience for athletes is very important in improving the spirit of the athletes at the time of the match, where the support from the crowd gave is a positive energy when the athlete's condition is in a pinch or lag behind the opposing side. But for the sake of fighting for dignity football in Indonesia, the soccer team continues to compete with the maximum, even though have to play without spectators. With the above problems, it is interesting to researched on the Motivation Levels of Athletes' Football Matches Without Spectators in Tribune in the New Normal Period. Based on the research objectives, there are two achievements in this study, namely: (1) developing a book on the level of motivation of football athletes, (2) developing a journal internationally reputed. This research is expected to provide benefits to increase motivation soccer athletes during matches, scientific publications and books about the level of motivation of soccer athletes.


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How to Cite
Rahmat, Z., & Irfandi, I. (2023). Football Athletes’ Motivation Without Spectators in The Stands During The New Normal. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEOLAHRAGAAN, 1(1), 306-314.
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