Survey of Suitability of Physical Education Facilities and Infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Middle School Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Dhewayani Setyaningati IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Trinovandhi Setyawan
  • Yulianto Dwi Saputro
Keywords: Survey, Facilities, Physical Education


This study aims to determine the existence, condition and ownership status of physical education facilities and infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Junior High School for the academic year 2021/2022. All this research is scientific, therefore all research must be equipped with theory. To study a truth naturally requires evidence based on contextual subjective 'natural' truths. In this case the scientific truth will be the basic ideas of research. Based on the standard percentage of facilities and infrastructure assessment (Suharsimi Arikunto, 1986) the percentage of 7.4% is categorized as very poor, so that in general the condition of physical education facilities and infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Junior High School in the 2021/2022 academic year, has been categorized as less feasible and needs to increase the number of facilities both facilities and infrastructure in schools. However, when viewed from the suitability of the number of facilities when compared with the number of students at the institution in general, it can be said that it is not suitable because the number of facilities is not sufficient for learning, especially in the field of physical education. For infrastructure, it can be said that it is appropriate because it has 2 fields that are used for all sports.


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How to Cite
Setyaningati, D., Setyawan, T., & Saputro, Y. (2022). Survey of Suitability of Physical Education Facilities and Infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Middle School Academic Year 2021/2022. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEOLAHRAGAAN, 1(1), 67-75.
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