Efforts to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Football Learning with a Shooting Color Game Approach in State Junior High School Grade VII Students 3 Regency of Nangaroro Satap Aegela Nagekeo

  • Yusvidha Ernata IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Sandro Sabinus Taso IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Football, Shooting Colour


Students' interest in physical education is still low, which should be counteracted given the many educational goals that can be achieved through physical education. Teachers should be able to look for something new in the innovative learning process and maximize learning outcomes. Is the shooting color game approach able to improve student learning outcomes in the game of football for students in the VII SMPN Nangaroro Satap Aegela Nagekeo District? The goal of this study was to improve student learning outcomes in football learning using a color shooting game approach in students in grade VII at SMPN 3 Nangaroro Satap Aegela Nagekeo Regency. Class action research was conducted in Cycle 2. The 34 participants in the study were all seventh-grade students. observational data collection techniques in the form of documents and photographs the findings revealed that using the shooting color game approach, penjasorkes' learning in football games increased. This study found that the knowledge aspect improved by 29.41%, the attitude aspect improved by 8.82%, and the skill aspect improved by 23.53%. It is expected that the shooting color game approach can be used as an alternative to improve student learning outcomes in football games.


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How to Cite
Ernata, Y., & Taso, S. (2023). Efforts to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Football Learning with a Shooting Color Game Approach in State Junior High School Grade VII Students 3 Regency of Nangaroro Satap Aegela Nagekeo. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEOLAHRAGAAN, 1(1), 481-488. https://doi.org/10.33503/prosiding_penjas_pjkribu.v1i1.2308
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