Students' Perceptions of Physical Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Junior High Schools in North Binjai District in 2020/2021

  • Aidilla Pratiwi Siregar Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Sanusi Hasibuan Universitas Negeri Medan
Keywords: Student’s Perceptions, Physical Education, Covid-19 Pendemic


The purpose of the study was to examine the perceptions of students about how teachers conduct online learning with junior high school students in the district of North Binjai. The study included descriptive statistics. Data was collected from students in grades VII-IX using questionnaires and Google Forms. The subjects used in this study were junior high school students in North Binjai District in 2021, totaling 285 students. Data analysis using descriptive statistical analysis techniques with percentages and knowing the percentage of students filling out questionnaires is something that students need to know about online learning to students. This study aims to determine students' perceptions of Penjaskes online learning during the COVID-19 diSMP pandemic in North Binjai District. The population and sample in this study amounted to 285 students. The percentage of answers from junior high school students in North Binjai district was 73% strongly agreeing, 16% agreeing, 9% disagreeing, and 2% strongly disagreeing. The highest percentage of research results achieved is 73% of students answering "strongly agree," which is still not perfect because the expected value is 100% of students answering "strongly agree," but the goal of not meeting the target is not met. The overall research results in this study have a percentage of 75% in the good category. So it can be concluded from this study that students' perceptions of pen-and-paper online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in junior high schools in North Binjai Sub-District run as desired.


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How to Cite
Siregar, A., & Hasibuan, S. (2023). Students’ Perceptions of Physical Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Junior High Schools in North Binjai District in 2020/2021. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEOLAHRAGAAN, 1(1), 294-299.
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