Understanding Shooting in Football Games Survey of Grade VIII Students at State Junior High School 12, Buru, Waplau District

  • Irsan Buamona
  • Shinta Masitho Windriyani IKIP BUDI UTOMO MALANG
Keywords: Survey, Understanding, Football


Understanding of shooting material for class VIII SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau District is in good category. This study aims to determine the shooting skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau District. The purpose of the study was to determine the basic shooting technique skills in the eighth grade soccer game of SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau District. this research is descriptive research. This study used the research subjects of class VIII students aged 13-15 years at SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau District with 20 students as research subjects. The technique of collecting data is with a soccer game shooting test. The results showed that the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau Sub-district were in the good category, with the following percentages: 2 students were in the "enough" category with a percentage of 10%; 15 students included in the "good" category with a percentage of 75%; and 3 students included in the “very good” category with a percentage of 15%.


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How to Cite
Buamona, I., & Windriyani, S. (2023). Understanding Shooting in Football Games Survey of Grade VIII Students at State Junior High School 12, Buru, Waplau District. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEOLAHRAGAAN, 1(1), 236-244. https://doi.org/10.33503/prosiding_penjas_pjkribu.v1i1.2327
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