PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN KEOLAHRAGAAN 2023-02-04T07:08:00+00:00 Luthfie Lufthansa Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani dan Keolahragaan</strong>&nbsp;published by&nbsp;<strong>Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi IKIP Budi Utomo (PJKR IBU)</strong>. The purpose of this&nbsp;proceeding publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of physical education.</p> <p><strong>Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Jasmani dan Keolahragaan</strong>&nbsp;is published in&nbsp;<strong>December&nbsp;</strong>every year. The Editorial Board invites the authors to submit the best manuscripts to be published in this proceeding.</p> Development of Interactive Power Point-Based Electronic Learning Media to Improve Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Outcomes 2023-01-22T09:30:48+00:00 Muhammad Santoso Luthfie Lufthansa <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The lack of teachers in making variations of learning media causes students' interest in learning to decrease. Therefore, it is necessary to develop various learning media, one of which is power point-based electronic media. In this study, using the research and development method developed by Borg &amp; Gall. Small group trial involving 10 students. And the large group (field) trial involved 30 students. The results of the assessment obtained from small group trials regarding the quality of the learning media developed in terms of content/material aspects included in the criteria of "very good" as much as 90%, in the good category as much as 10%, while in the category of quite good, not good and very poor. both by 0% each. The results of the assessment obtained from field trials regarding the quality of the developed learning media in terms of content/material aspects included in the "very good" criteria as much as 56.7%, in the good category as much as 40%, in the quite good category 3.3%, while in the category of less good and very unfavorable respectively by 0%.</em></p> 2022-11-22T03:00:07+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Survey on Reproductive Health Knowledge of Young Women in Selokerto Village 2023-01-22T09:36:26+00:00 Muchammad Imron Rosyadi Luthfie Lufthansa <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Knowledge of reproductive health care is very important for adolescents, especially young women, because at the time of adolescence there is a very dynamic development both biologically and psychologically. In this study using a survey method. Where the population and samples who have the age of 15-17 years amounted to 15 young women. The data collection technique in this study was using a closed type questionnaire (questionnaire) by giving a set of questions or written statements to respondents to answer. Based on the results and discussion, the researchers concluded that: 1) Health education had the lowest score of 13 and the highest score of 21 with an average score of 17.21 or about 81.9%. respondents have good knowledge, 2) Knowledge of adolescents about reproductive health after health education has the lowest score of 11 and the highest score of 21 with an average of 18.13 or about 86.3%, 3) The statistical test results obtained the Asymp value. Sig 0.051 &gt; 0.05 then Ho is accepted, it is concluded that there is no effect of health education on the level of knowledge of adolescents about reproductive health because the average value between before and after the intervention only increased.</em></p> 2022-11-23T05:04:43+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Health Knowledge on Active Lifestyle And Physical Fitness in Class VIII Students of Mts Alhuda Wajak 2023-01-22T09:44:03+00:00 Dani Abdi Al Qudsi Yulianto Dwi Saputro <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>An individual's health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Early definition Health was viewed as a condition of the body's normal functioning which may be impaired by disease from time to time. Environmental cleanliness is a state free from dirt, including dust, garbage, and odors. The design in this study used a descriptive method. Sample selection and group division using sampling technique. The research subjects in this study were eighth grade students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Alhuda. Parameters to measure using a questionnaire and Tkji test. The exercise program was carried out for 4 weeks with a frequency of 2 meetings a week. The analysis used is one-way analysis of variance with Microsoft Excel. The results showed that there was an effect of health knowledge on an active lifestyle and physical fitness of students. Conclusion Based on the results of data processing and score analysis between knowledge of health, active lifestyle and level of physical fitness, it was found that there was a significant relationship between the effect of health knowledge on an active lifestyle and level of fitness. physical. It can be concluded that the better the student's health knowledge, the better the active lifestyle and level of physical fitness of the student in supporting the interaction process in the community or in the school environment, especially in learning involvement in school.</em></p> 2022-11-23T05:06:05+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Physical Education Online Learning Implementation at Zainul Mu'in Vocational High School Sambirampak Lor-Probolinggo in the Covid-19 Pandemic 2023-01-22T09:48:45+00:00 Rizal Ilmiawan Filosofi Tri Asih Wahyu Budijanto Budijanto Purwaning Budi Lestari <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of the study was to analyze the implementation of online learning for PJOK subjects at SMK Zainul Mu'in Sambirampak Lor. The research method uses descriptive quantitative. The instrument used a questionnaire on facilities and infrastructure, the learning process, school support, and parental support. The results showed that the average factor of facilities and infrastructure was sufficient (75.4%). The average learning process factor is sufficient (79.4%). mean school support is sufficient (63%). The mean factor of parental support is sufficient (61.2%). The obstacles faced in online-based PJOK learning at Zainul Mu'in Sambirampak Lor Vocational School are the low attendance and activeness of students participating in learning, teachers have difficulty providing interesting learning, teachers have difficulty assessing affective and psychomotor aspects related to movement activities, and lack of assistance. and parental supervision of their children's learning and education. Based on the description, it can be concluded that online learning is going well but some obstacles are found, such as the teacher having difficulty assessing the psychomotor aspects of students.</em></p> 2022-11-23T05:07:56+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Survey of Physical Fitness Level on Ganthari Soccer Club Players in Malang City 2023-01-22T09:55:24+00:00 Mochamad Fatahilah Amir Sudarsono Sudarsono Dedy Irawan Ratno Susanto Achmad Afandi <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Football is a game played by 11 players. A player in playing football must have good health and fitness. If the player is sick or not fit, it will be difficult to achieve maximum performance, so fitness must be trained with exercises that are carried out continuously, programmed and planned. To be able to achieve good fitness, it is not only exercise but a regular lifestyle, for example maintaining a pattern of eating, drinking and resting time. The purpose of the study as data from the level of freshness of football players Ps. Ganthari Malang City. The research method is descriptive by using a survey. Descriptive research is research that describes certain symptoms, phenomena or events. The research subjects were PS Ganthari players, Malang City. In accordance with the research objectives, from this it can be concluded that the Physical Fitness Level of PS Ganthari players in Malang City. Based on the data that has been carried out the physical fitness test for PS Ganthari Malang City, the level of physical fitness is good, namely as many as 10 players with a level of 50%, moderate as many as 9 players or 45%, less that is as much as 1 player or 5%.</em></p> 2022-11-23T06:27:20+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Effect of Push-Up And Pull-Up on Shot Put In Men's Athletics Extracurricular Member of Mts Darul Ulum Purwodadi 2023-02-04T07:08:00+00:00 Moh. Slamet Subadar Rubbi Kurniawan <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the effect of push-ups and pull-ups exercises on the increase in shot put. This type of research using experimental research with the population is a member of the son ektrakuriler athletics MTs. Darul Ulum Purwodadi totaling 30 children. While the sample of this study was taken as a whole or can be said to be the total sampling, and the way of sampling or division of the sample by way of dividing the first two students based on the serial number absent for absent one to fifteen push-ups and sixteen to thirty pull-ups. Data analysis using SPSS V.26 which of the results of push-up and Pull-up exercises can have a positive effect on the ability of the bullet with a significance value less than 0.05 so that Ho (null hypothesis) is rejected and Ha is accepted and the provision of push-up and pull-up exercises in the ability of the bullet can have a positive effect on the ability of the bullet because the significance value is greater than 0.005 , so Ho (null hypothesis) is accepted and Ha is rejected. based on t-test data both exercises are push-ups 0.064 while pull-Ups 0.065, so there is no difference between the effect of pull-ups and push-ups.</em><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the effect of push-ups and pull-ups exercises on the increase in shot put. This type of research using experimental research with the population is a member of the son ektrakuriler athletics MTs. Darul Ulum Purwodadi totaling 30 children. While the sample of this study was taken as a whole or can be said to be the total sampling, and the way of sampling or division of the sample by way of dividing the first two students based on the serial number absent for absent one to fifteen push-ups and sixteen to thirty pull-ups. Data analysis using SPSS V.26 which of the results of push-up and Pull-up exercises can have a positive effect on the ability of the bullet with a significance value less than 0.05 so that Ho (null hypothesis) is rejected and Ha is accepted and the provision of push-up and pull-up exercises in the ability of the bullet can have a positive effect on the ability of the bullet because the significance value is greater than 0.005 , so Ho (null hypothesis) is accepted and Ha is rejected. based on t-test data both exercises are push-ups 0.064 while pull-Ups 0.065, so there is no difference between the effect of pull-ups and push-ups.</em></p> 2022-12-21T04:52:01+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Improving the Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students in Landak Regency in Football Lessons with a Shooting Color Game Approach 2023-02-01T08:21:01+00:00 Marsianus Sugito Tri Asih Wahyu Hartati Nurcholis Istiawan Diyah Ayu Widyaningrum <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Football is one of the materials in physical education lessons in junior high school. There are several basic techniques that students must learn in soccer games. Based on the results of observations on the soccer game of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Sompak, Landak Regency, it was found that students lacked mastery of techniques in soccer. This affects student learning outcomes in soccer material. The solution to overcome the problem is to implement a color shooting game approach. Shooting Color is a kind of soccer game which is divided into 2 teams, each team consists of 8-10 people. How to score points by entering the ball towards the goal where the goal is divided into 3 parts of different colors, namely red and blue. The blue color is placed in the middle of the goal and the red color is placed on the right and left side.This study uses a qualitative research approach with the type of Classroom Action Research (PTK). This research procedure uses two cycles. Cycle I and cycle II, using observation as a form of data collection. The results of observations of the Shooting Color game for Class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Sompak students, in the implementation of the first and second meeting tests in the first (first) cycle, were still very lacking. Based on the scores achieved in psychomotor aspect as many as 11 students completed with a percentage of 37%. It was concluded that the first cycle had not been successful and continued in the second cycle. In the second cycle, students experienced an increase by obtaining a completeness percentage of 21 students with a percentage of 70% and included in the good category</em></p> 2022-12-21T05:09:01+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Survey of Suitability of Physical Education Facilities and Infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Middle School Academic Year 2021/2022 2023-01-23T09:43:31+00:00 Dhewayani Setyaningati Trinovandhi Setyawan Yulianto Dwi Saputro <p style="text-align: justify;">This study aims to determine the existence, condition and ownership status of physical education facilities and infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Junior High School for the academic year 2021/2022. All this research is scientific, therefore all research must be equipped with theory. To study a truth naturally requires evidence based on contextual subjective 'natural' truths. In this case the scientific truth will be the basic ideas of research. Based on the standard percentage of facilities and infrastructure assessment (Suharsimi Arikunto, 1986) the percentage of 7.4% is categorized as very poor, so that in general the condition of physical education facilities and infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Junior High School in the 2021/2022 academic year, has been categorized as less feasible and needs to increase the number of facilities both facilities and infrastructure in schools. However, when viewed from the suitability of the number of facilities when compared with the number of students at the institution in general, it can be said that it is not suitable because the number of facilities is not sufficient for learning, especially in the field of physical education. For infrastructure, it can be said that it is appropriate because it has 2 fields that are used for all sports.</p> 2022-12-21T06:29:21+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Adaptive Physical Education Learning Process at Pembina State Extraordinary School “E” of Medan 2023-01-23T09:47:18+00:00 Rhoni Adi Arthama Hutagalung Hariadi Hariadi Rahma Dewi <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the adaptive physical education learning process in Medan City. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, the subjects in this study were 3 physical education teachers from 1 SLB Negeri Pembina Medan. The time of the research was carried out in June, while the technique and instrument used was triangulation of data. The results of the study stated that the adaptive physical education learning process at SLB E Negeri Pembina Medan was in a good category and it could be concluded that the learning process for adaptive physical education at SLB E Negeri Pembina Medan was in a good category.</em></p> 2022-12-21T08:10:59+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence On The Quality Of Passing Of Panjilaras Soccer Players 2023-01-23T09:52:42+00:00 Irsyadul Ibad Laila Nur Rohmah <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of emotional intelligence on the passing quality of Panjilaras football school players. The dependent variable in this study is the quality of passing, and there is an independent variable, namely emotional intelligence. The type of research used in this research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach method. The method of data collection in this study used a questionnaire. The population in this study were all students of the Panjilaras Pujon Football School (SSB). The sample in this study was calculated using the Slovin formula and determined by the total sampling technique so that a sample of 20 respondents was obtained. The data analysis technique used in this study is simple linear regression using SPSS ver software. 26.0. The results showed that emotional intelligence had a positive and significant effect on the passing quality of the Panjilaras football school students. Where in accordance with the results of the coefficient of determination of emotional intelligence is able to affect passing by 40%. Based on the results of the analysis, the researchers suggest that the Panjilaras Football School can better consider the emotional intelligence possessed by students during the training process. Because with stable emotional intelligence, players will be able to produce good performance when competing</em><em>.</em></p> 2022-12-21T08:08:54+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Lemb Strength Exercise on Blocking Skills in Volleyball at Extraculicular Students MA Ar-Ridlo Kalipare 2023-01-23T09:54:40+00:00 Fauzia Oktana Dedy Irawan Sudarsono Sudarsono <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The aim of the study was to determine whether there was an effect of leg muscle strength training exercises on increasing blocking skills through the vertical jump training method using hurdles in volleyball games for extracurricular students at MA Ar-Ridlo Kalipare. This research is an experimental research using a pretest and posttest group design research design. The sample in the research conducted was volleyball extracurricular students at MA Ar-Ridlo Kalipare, totaling 14 students. Data collection in this study was conducted using test techniques, namely the initial test (pretest) and the final test (posttest). Based on the results of data analysis, this is proven based on the results of calculating the ttest of 3.493, while the ttable value at a significant level of 5% and d.b (degrees of freedom) 13 is 2.160. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the ttest value of the experimental group A (3.493) &gt; ttable (2.160), so that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) in this study is accepted and the value hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. So it can be concluded that after receiving the vertical jump training treatment on the improvement of blocking skills through the hurdles training method the volleyball extracurricular students MA Ar-Ridlo Kalipare experienced a significant increase. In other words, there is an effect of vertical jump training on improving blocking skills through the hurdles training method for volleyball extracurricular students MA Ar-Ridlo Kalipare.</em></p> 2022-12-25T10:55:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Relationship between Arm Muscle Strength and Leg Muscles with Speed Performing Shoulder Drop Techniques in Malang City Judo Martial Arts 2023-01-23T09:56:38+00:00 Budi Bakti Nuril Hidayati <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study was to determine the relationship between arm muscle strength and leg muscle strength with the speed of performing shoulder slamming techniques in judo martial arts in Malang City. This type of research is quantitative using the correlation method. The population in this study were judo athletes in the city of Malang in 2022. The number of athletes was 20 people. Because the number is limited, the entire population is selected as a sample. The data processing method uses a computerized statistical calculation with the SPSS system. The results of the study The R-square value of the contribution of the two variables, namely the strength of the arm and leg muscles to the speed of performing the shoulder slamming technique is 0.746 X 100% = 74.6%, which means that there is a significant relationship between arm muscle strength and speed in performing the shoulder slam technique in Martial Judo Malang City Based on the research hypothesis testing that has been done.</em></p> 2022-12-25T12:48:56+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Improving Learning Outcomes of Hanging Style Long Jump Through Playing Method for Junior High School Students in Blitar 2023-01-23T09:59:28+00:00 Digno Dwi Septiawan Agusti Mardikaninsih Nurcholis Istiawan Diyah Ayu Widyaningrum <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The long jump is one of the race numbers in athletics. One of the styles for doing the long jump is the hanging style, which is the basic movement that students do when demonstrating the long jump, where in the floating phase it is done with a hanging attitude. The results of observations at SMP Negeri 1 Selorejo, Blitar Regency, showed that student learning outcomes were very low. This is because the hanging style long jump is quite difficult to move, so teachers must intensively teach students, both through appropriate methods and media. One way is to apply the playing method using modified media or tools, such as used motorcycle tires and cardboard for jumping media. This study aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomes in the hanging style long jump through the play method for class VII C students at SMP Negeri 1 Selorejo, Blitar Regency. This research method is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of two cycles with the provision of repeated actions in each cycle through the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results of this study indicate that the percentage of grade VII C students at SMP Negeri 1 Selorejo, Blitar Regency who completed (final score of the hanging style long jump test KKM 80) in cycle 1 was 68% with an average test score of 80. However, the percentage of students' learning mastery increased. to 88% in cycle 2 with the average test score increased to 87.1. This shows that the percentage of students in grade VII C of SMP Negeri 1 Selorejo, Blitar Regency who have completed, is increasing after students are given an action in the form of learning the hanging style long jump through the play method for two cycles.</em></p> 2022-12-25T13:10:08+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Zig-Zag Dribbling Ability Using the Back of the Foot in Football Games 2023-01-23T10:01:42+00:00 Moch. Agung Nur Fatony Anangga Widya Pradipta Budijanto Budijanto <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This research was motivated by the level of zigzag dribbling ability using the back of the foot in the soccer game of seventh grade students of Ma‟arif Junior High School Batu City. This study aims to determine the level of zig-zag dribbling ability using the back of the foot in the soccer game of seventh grade students of Ma‟arif Junior High School Batu City. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using test and measurement techniques. The population of this study was the seventh grade students at the Ma‟arif Junior High School in Batu City. The sample data for this study were 25 students consisting of 17 male students and 8 female students. The results showed that 3 students had very good abilities, 10 students had good abilities, 7 students had moderate abilities, and 5 students had poor abilities. Classically, the zigzag dribbling ability in the student's soccer game is good.</em></p> 2022-12-26T02:21:44+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Relationship of Physical Fitness Level to Student Achievement Junior High School PGRI 08 Malang 2023-01-23T10:09:06+00:00 Rian Ari Ramayandi Rubbi Kurniawan Budijanto Budijanto <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Physical fitness and learning achievement is something that can not be separated, so it is necessary to do research to find out how far the relationship between the level of physical freshness to learning achievement. The test instrument uses the Indonesian physical fitness test which consists of five Tests, including the 50m running test, pull up test, sit up test, upright jump test, 1000m running test for men and 800m for women, while achievement data is taken from student Report Card values. The selected research subjects were seventh grade students of SMP PGRI 08 Malang as many as 15 people. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the level of physical freshness with learning achievement with a coefficient (r<sup>2</sup>) obtained at 0.418 which means that physical freshness contributes 41.8% to student achievement, and the remaining 58.2% is influenced by other factors.</em></p> 2022-12-26T02:44:16+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## VO2max Endurance Survey of Boxing Athletes in Bantul 2023-01-23T10:17:44+00:00 Ardhika Falaahudin Dody Tri Iwandana Ali Md Nadzlan Moh. Kholil <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the VO2max of Boxing Athletes in Bantul Regency. This study uses a descriptive research design with a survey method. The population of this study amounted to 12 boxing athletes in Bantul Regency. The sample in this study used a total sampling technique of 12 boxing athletes in Bantul Regency. The data collection technique used in this study is by testing and measuring using the Multistage Fitness Test (MFT). Data analysis in this study used SPSS version 25. Based on the research data above, it shows that of the 12 KONI Bantul boxing athletes who took the Multistage Fitness Test (MFT) test to measure VO2max, the results obtained were 10 athletes with moderate category and 2 athletes in poor category. So it can be concluded that the majority of Boxing Athletes' VO2max in Bantul Regency is in the moderate category.</em></p> 2022-12-26T03:11:03+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Target Game Training on Shooting Accuracy in Players Bale Junior FC of Banda Aceh City 2023-01-23T11:47:14+00:00 Irfandi Irfandi Zikrur Rahmat Salbani Mousa <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Some Bale Junior players in Banda Aceh City still have difficulty in practicing shooting techniques towards the target correctly and correctly, so to overcome this, one of them can be given with target game treatment. This study aims to determine how much influence the target game practice has on the shooting accuracy of Bale Junior FC players. This research approach is quantitative with the method and design used one-groups pretest-posttest design with 12 treatments. The population in this study were all 15 players of Bale Junior FC. The data collection technique is total sampling, so the sample in this study is all Bale Junior FC players, the data collection technique in this study uses shooting accuracy tests with shooting tests. The data analysis technique used is normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis. The results showed that there was a significant effect of target game practice on shooting accuracy on Bale Junior FC players. It can be seen from the mean value of the pretest 82 which is smaller than the posttest 112. This means that on average the children experience an increase in shooting scores towards the target target. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant effect between target game practice on shooting accuracy on Bale Junior FC players in Banda Aceh City.</em></p> 2023-01-23T11:47:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Correlation of Height and Weight on Concentric Type of Muscle Endurance Malaysian Soccer Players from Sabah FC 2023-01-23T12:18:38+00:00 Muhammad Nidomuddin Hari Pamungkas Havid Yusuf <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>One of the components of physical fitness includes calculating height and weight which are converted into body mass index (BMI) units. This method can determine the classification of body weight. Body mass index (BMI) numbers are used to indicate weight categories. Our body activities are inseparable from the role of our lower limbs. The base of the lower movement is the hip or pelvis. This research method uses correlation. In statistics, the term "correlation" is defined as the relationship and degree of relationship between two or more variables. The existence of a relationship and the level of this variable is important because by knowing the level of the existing relationship, the researcher will be able to develop it according to the research objectives. The researcher took the entire population as a sample, which consisted of 25 male soccer athletes from Sabah FC. data in the form of BMI test scores and concentric type muscle endurance, the scores were compiled, processed and analyzed for their significance using SPSS.</em> <em>The Pearson Correlation Test aims to determine the level of closeness of the relationship between variables stated by the correlation coefficient. From the results of the data above, it is known that the significance value is 0.000 &lt;0.05. So, it can be said that the two variables are related or correlated. So that it can be interpreted that the two variables of BMI and concentric muscle endurance have a significant relationship with the performance of Sabah FC soccer athletes. It is proven that r count is greater than r table.</em></p> 2023-01-23T12:18:38+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Impact of Moving Image Learning Media on Upper Passing and Lower Passing Volleyball Learning Outcomes in State Elementary School 1 Grade V Students Cepokomulyo Kepanjen 2023-01-24T05:10:00+00:00 Abdul Hamid Kuswandi Ary Artanty Dimas Arif Prasetya <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>As technology developes, there is hope for teachers to organize learning activities by utilizing various media. One of them is the use of moving image media (audiovisual) to teach student the technique of passing up and down volley ball to students. The aim is not onlky as an exercise simulation but also to provide a variety of media for the student learning prosess, so as to minimize student boredom. This study aims to determine the effect of moving image learning media on the learning outcomes of upper and lower passing volley ball for fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Cepokomulyo Kepanjen. This research method is a quantitative experiment with the One Group Pretest Posttest Design pattern. The population is class V students, totaling 20 students. The form of the test is the Brandy Wall volley ball test to measure the results of learning the upper and lower passing of volley ball, which is carried out on the pretest and posttest. The Brandy Wallvolley test on the over passing technique is known to have an average pretest score of 31.1, then increased to 37.1 in the posttest. Meanwhile, the results of the Brandy Wall volley test on the passing technique revealed that the average pretest score was 21.5, then increased to 26.1 in the posttest. As for the results of the t-test, it is known that the value of tes 1 (3.97)&gt;t table (1.70) so that H<sub>a1</sub> is accepted and H<sub>01</sub> is rejected and the value of t tes 2 (3.76) &gt; t table (1.70) so that H<sub>a2</sub> is accepted and H<sub>o2</sub> is rejected. The conculsion of this study is that there is a significant effect of moving image learing media on the learning outcomes of upper and lower passing volley ball student of class V SD Negeri 1 Cepokomulyo Kepanjen.</em></p> 2023-01-24T05:06:03+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of Problem-Based Learning Photonovela Media 2023-01-24T06:08:00+00:00 Oktaviani Koli Wabo Purwaning Budi Lestari <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study aims to develop Problem Based Learning-based photonovela media and determine the feasibility of the media produced from Problem Based Learning-based photonovela development on the material of the VIII class human respiratory system. The type of this research is development research using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subject of this research is class VIII students of SMP Negeri 2 Kodi Utara, the stages of development in this research are the analysis stage of defining ( Define), planning (Design) and stages of development (Development) Implementation (Implementation) and Evaluation (Evaluation) Data collection methods use validation, observation, and documentation. While the data analysis technique is based on the results of the validation, the results of the readability test. The results showed that the results of material expert validation with a percentage of 82% in the "very feasible" category, media expert validation with a percentage of 88% in the "very feasible" category, practitioner/field validation with a percentage of 98% in the "very feasible" category. , and the readability test with a percentage of 91% with the "very feasible" category. So it can be concluded that the problem-based learning media photonovela on the material of the human respiratory system class VIII is declared very feasible to use.</em></p> 2023-01-24T06:08:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Internalization of Motion Analysis of Kicking Ball Technique Using Inner Foot in Indoor Hockey Goalkeepers 2023-01-24T07:26:16+00:00 Ingrid Margaretha Sitorus Bernad Simanjuntak <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>To analyze the data, each athlete will carry out the technique of kicking the ball using the inner foot and researchers will apply it using the dartfish software application and hockey experts then compare to national athletes. The results of the study based on the dartfish software application percentage of success rates in this study are: the results of the percentage analysis according to hockey experts kicking the right foot in the prefix position of the category very good (70%), good (30%), less (0%), less once (0%). The position of the implementation of the categories is very good (30%), good (40%), less (30%), less (0%). The position of the category suffix is very good (50%), good (50%), less (0%), less (0%). And the results of the percentage analysis according to hockey experts kicked the left foot in the starting position of the category very good (70%), good (30%), less (0%), less once (0%). The position of the implementation of the category is very good (20%), good (40%), less (40%), less (0%). The position of the category suffix is very good (50%), good (50%), less (0%), less (0%).</em></p> 2023-01-24T07:26:16+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Learning Strategy for Junior High School Modern Islamic College Amanah 1 Deli Serdang Regency During the Covid-19 Pandemic 2023-01-26T04:36:01+00:00 Timbul Mugabe Siregar Samsuddin Siregar Amir Supriadi <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to find out how the teacher's learning strategy at the </em><em>SMP </em><em>Perguruan Islam Modern Amanah 1</em> <em>Deli Serdang</em><em> Regency</em><em> during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. The technique used is random sampling. The instruments used in this study were interviews and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the learning strategy used by the teacher is to use media applications such as Google Meet, Video, Whatsapp, and establish communication with students' parents. Through this learning strategy, it can be a strategy that is quite effective and efficient in controlling the learning process even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.</em></p> 2023-01-26T04:36:01+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Augmented Reality Needs Analysis in Human Anatomy for Sports Education Students 2023-01-26T04:51:13+00:00 Wiwik Kusmawati Ashari Husen <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to analyze the need for Augmented Reality in Human Anatomy for Sports Education students. This research is a quantitative descriptive study by referring to the define stages of the Thiagarajan development model. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires, observations and interviews. The results showed that 85% of the material was not clear, 80% of the teaching materials were less interesting, 85% had difficulty understanding language, and 80% lacked pictures. It is important to develop Augmented Reality applications in Human Anatomy for Sports Education students.</em></p> 2023-01-26T04:51:13+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Drill Passing Practice on Short Passing Accuracy in Futsal Extracurricular Participants at Mts Al-Ittihad Poncokusumo Malang 2023-01-27T07:22:36+00:00 Sofiuddin Sofiuddin Praharisti Kurniasari <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study aims to determine the effect of the drill passing training method on the bottom passing ability of futsal extracurricular students at MTs Al-Ittihad Poncokusumo Malang. This study uses the One group pretest-posttest design method, which means that in this study there is no comparison group. The population of this study were futsal extracurricular participants at MTs. Al-Ittihad Poncokusumo with 30 children. The instrument used is a test and measurement using the brady test. The test results show that there is an effect of the drill passing training method on the accuracy of short passing. Based on data analysis and discussion, the calculation results obtained that the t-count value is (10.27) &gt; t-table (2.145), so that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. And the hypothesis that reads, "there is an effect of drill passing practice on the accuracy of short passing in futsal extracurricular participants at MTs. Al-Ittihad Poncokusumo” accepted. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that there is a significant effect between drill passing practice and short passing accuracy on futsal extracurricular participants at MTs. Al-Ittihad Poncokusumo. So that providing drill passing exercises will increase the accuracy of short passing in students.</em></p> 2023-01-27T07:22:36+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Relationship Between Arm Muscle Strength and Abs to Upper Service Ability in Volleyball Games Pogar State Elementary School Students of Bangil 2023-01-27T07:45:32+00:00 Moh. Ardana Riswandi Diyah Ayu Widyaningrum As’ad Syamsul Arifin <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Service is the first step in starting a volleyball game, so elements that can support service are needed. In addition to regular training, the elements of arm muscle strength and abdominal muscle strength are the capital to be able to do service in volleyball games. The problem in this study is whether there is a relationship between the strength of the arm muscles and abdominal muscles with the ability to serve on the volleyball game for the students of SD Negeri Pogar Bangil. The population of this study were all students of SD Negeri Pogar Bangil. The sample of this research is the fifthgrade students of SD Negeri Pogar Bangil.This study uses a quantitative approach with the type of correlation research (relationship). The data are push-up test data for arm muscle strength and sit-up test for abdominal muscle strength. The data analysis technique used in this research is to use the product moment correlation formula from Karl Pearson and the contribution of the predictor. The results showed that r xy = 0.972 for the arm muscle strength variable, and r xy = 0.892 for the abdominal muscle strength variable. There is a significant relationship between the strength of the arm and abdominal muscles with the ability to serve on volleyball for the students of SD Negeri Pogar Bangil. The calculation of the predictor contribution shows that the total contribution is 95.900, namely the contribution of the arm muscle strength variable at 71.347 and the abdominal muscle strength variable at 24.553, so that the arm muscle strength variable has a greater relationship than the abdominal muscle strength variable to the top service ability in volleyball games.</em></p> 2023-01-27T07:45:31+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Understanding Shooting in Football Games Survey of Grade VIII Students at State Junior High School 12, Buru, Waplau District 2023-01-27T08:06:32+00:00 Irsan Buamona Shinta Masitho Windriyani <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Understanding of shooting material for class VIII SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau District is in good category. This study aims to determine the shooting skills of class VIII students of SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau District. The purpose of the study was to determine the basic shooting technique skills in the eighth grade soccer game of SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau District. this research is descriptive research. This study used the research subjects of class VIII students aged 13-15 years at SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau District with 20 students as research subjects. The technique of collecting data is with a soccer game shooting test. The results showed that the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 12 Buru, Waplau Sub-district were in the good category, with the following percentages: 2 students were in the "enough" category with a percentage of 10%; 15 students included in the "good" category with a percentage of 75%; and 3 students included in the “very good” category with a percentage of 15%.</em></p> 2023-01-27T08:06:32+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Burpees and Bicep Curl Exercises to Improve Smash Skills in Volleyball Games 2023-01-27T10:55:15+00:00 Aditia Khairul Hakiki Ahmad Junaidi <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of the study was To find out the effect of burpees exercises and biceps curl exercises on smash skills. The next goal is to find out which exercise is better between burpees and biceps curl against smash skills. The method used in this study is an experimental method. The subjects in this study were 30 players of the Selorejo Village BBI volleyball team. The data retrieval method used uses a smash test, which aims to measure the accuracy of directing the ball in the smash. This study used two research groups, namely burpees and biceps curl. Based on the results of data analysis using the t-test and getting results: There is an influence of burpees and biceps curl training methods on smash skills. This statement is reinforced by the results of the t-test burpees having a t-test value of 49.33, t-table at a significance level of 5% and d.b. (freedom rate) 14 is 2.145. Biceps curl has a t-test value of 18.04, t-table at a significance level of 5%, d.b. (degree of freedom) 14 is 2.145. There was a significant difference between the program latihan burpees and biceps curl to smash skills -0.479 &lt; 2.145.</em></p> 2023-01-27T10:55:15+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Physical Fitness Level Survey in Grade VIII Students of PGRI Bangil Junior High School 2023-01-27T13:00:59+00:00 Riswanda Irmawan Ahmad Ilham Habibi Farizha Irmawati <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Physical fitness is the ability of an individual's body to complete daily activities without causing excessive fatigue, so that the body actually has reserves without adapting to additional activities.The research used is descriptive research which means describing, describing, recording and describing circumstances or events.The sample that will be used in this research is 20 students of class VIII SMP PGRI Bangil. As a result of estimating the actual level of health in class VIII SMP PGRI Bangil is carried out with the TKJI test (Indonesian Physical Freshness Level) and tends to be seen that most of the class VIII students of SMP PGRI Bangil have a very good average physical fitness level, to be precise there are 0 students or 0%, who have real good health, especially 1 student or 5%, who have moderate health level, exactly 3 students or 15%, the remaining 11 students or 55% have lower health level, and 5 students or 25% have very low level of health.The idea from experts that the actual level of physical fitness must be improved and improved so that the implementation of the exercise is encouraged with the support of good health and learning exercises can run as they should.</em></p> 2023-01-27T13:00:58+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Level of Understanding of Football Rules for Parents in the SESKOM 2022 Competition 2023-01-27T13:21:45+00:00 Rifaldi Ilham Hanif Firmansyah Havid Yusuf <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This research is motivated by youth competitions or tournaments between soccer schools, many parents accompany students to compete. When accompanying students to compete, it is often found that the guardians of students are involved in protesting to the referee and giving excessive instructions to players. Sometimes students have followed the referee's decision, but the parents still do not accept what has been decided, resulting in the match being hampered. This research is quantitative descriptive. The method used in this research is a survey method. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The instruments that have been arranged are consulted with experts, then the validity test is carried out with the results of 12 of 20 valid questions and a reliability of 0.840. The population in this study was the guardians of students who were in the SESKOM 2022 tournament in Sumberejo with a total of 30 people. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis with percentages. The results showed that the level of understanding of the parents' understanding of the rules of the competition game for young people was in the good category of 66%. Of the total research objects, which amounted to 30 people, it was found that the very good category was 23% (7 people), the good category was 47% (14 people), the sufficient category was 23% (7 people), the less category was 7% (2 people) and the very less by 0% (none).</em></p> 2023-01-27T13:21:44+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efforts to Improve Lower Passing Results in Volleyball Through Push-Up Practices and Lower Passing Practices 2023-01-28T10:39:51+00:00 Benedikta Hari Werang Ary Artanty Dimas Arif Prasetya Alfian Yahya <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Underpassing is a way for volleyball players to pass the ball to a partner by hitting or taking the hand down. The importance of deep underpassing Volleyball game requires every player to be able to master it well, including students who study it. Therefore, the teacher must design a good training program, which can make students feel happy and not bored in practicing. One way is to apply push-up physical exercises and lower passing technique exercises. This study aims to: (1) describe efforts to improve the results of underhand passing in volleyball through push-up exercises and underhand passing exercises for class VIII students at SMPN Satap Watanhura, (2) find out whether or not push-up exercises and underhand passing exercises can improve volleyball underpassing results in class VIII students at SMPN Satap Watanhura.</em></p> 2023-01-28T10:39:51+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Augmented Reality Application Material Validation in Human Anatomy Course for Sports Education Students 2023-01-28T10:58:21+00:00 Wiwik Kusmawati Moh. Zaini <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the validation of material experts on the Augmented Reality application in the Human Anatomy course for Sports Education Students. This application development research refers to the 4D model developed by Thiagarajan, et al. (1974) which consists of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate, modified to suit this research. This application is validated by a material expert. The instrument used is an expert validation instrument. It can be concluded that this application is feasible and valid by material experts to be used as Human Anatomy learning.</em></p> 2023-01-28T10:58:21+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Relationship Between Leg Length and Body Flexibility with 50-Meter Sprinting Achievement in Panjura Malang High School Students 2023-01-28T12:58:29+00:00 Dewi Sartika Rahayu Ahmad Ilham Habibi <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between limb length and body flexibility with the achievement of sprinting 50 meters. The research method uses quantitative correlation, with the research population, namely 15 students of SMA Panjura Malang with a technique using quota sampling. The data analysis technique used normality test, and product moment correlation analysis. The results of this study: (1) there is no relationship between leg length and 50-meter sprint, the correlation coefficient r(-0.475) p-value (0.076 &gt; 0.050) shows that there is no significant relationship between leg length and 50-meter sprint. , (2) there is a relationship between body flexibility and 50-meter sprint, the correlation coefficient r(-0.633) p-value (0.011 &lt; 0.050) shows that there is a significant relationship between body flexibility and 50-meter sprint, (3) there is a significant relationship Leg length and body flexibility with 50 meters sprint obtained a correlation coefficient of r(0.638) p-value (0.043 &gt; 0.050). The conclusion shows that there is a significant relationship between leg length and body flexibility with sprinting 50 meters in SMA Panjura Malang students.</em></p> 2023-01-28T12:58:29+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Students' Perceptions of Physical Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Junior High Schools in North Binjai District in 2020/2021 2023-01-29T10:46:07+00:00 Aidilla Pratiwi Siregar Sanusi Hasibuan <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of the study was to examine the perceptions of students about how teachers conduct online learning with junior high school students in the district of North Binjai. The study included descriptive statistics. Data was collected from students in grades VII-IX using questionnaires and Google Forms. The subjects used in this study were junior high school students in North Binjai District in 2021, totaling 285 students. Data analysis using descriptive statistical analysis techniques with percentages and knowing the percentage of students filling out questionnaires is something that students need to know about online learning to students. This study aims to determine students' perceptions of Penjaskes online learning during the COVID-19 diSMP pandemic in North Binjai District. The population and sample in this study amounted to 285 students. The percentage of answers from junior high school students in North Binjai district was 73% strongly agreeing, 16% agreeing, 9% disagreeing, and 2% strongly disagreeing. The highest percentage of research results achieved is 73% of students answering "strongly agree," which is still not perfect because the expected value is 100% of students answering "strongly agree," but the goal of not meeting the target is not met. The overall research results in this study have a percentage of 75% in the good category. So it can be concluded from this study that students' perceptions of pen-and-paper online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in junior high schools in North Binjai Sub-District run as desired.</em></p> 2023-01-29T10:46:06+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Physical Condition of Medan Sports Committee Athletes in Preparation for North Sumatra Sports Week in 2022 2023-01-29T11:06:17+00:00 Irpani Irpani Albadi Sinulingga Suryadi Damanik <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the physical condition of the Athletics athletes of KONI Medan in preparation for the Sports Week of Nort Sumatera Province in 2022. This research method was a descriptive method. The sampling technique used is total sampling with 15 athletes. This research design uses pre-test – post-test, the instruments used are test and measurement. The data analysis technique used is the percentage. The results of the study showed that the initial test results were 83%, the average second test results were 87 % and there was an average increase of 4% in the physical condition of the KONI Medan Athletics athletes Preparation for the Sports Week of North Sumatera province in 2022.</em> <em>It can be concluded that the exercises carried out so far have a positive impact on the physical condition of the Athletics athletes of KONI Medan Preparation for the Sports Week of North Sumatra Province in 2022.</em></p> 2023-01-29T11:06:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Football Athletes' Motivation Without Spectators in The Stands During The New Normal 2023-01-29T11:42:58+00:00 Zikrur Rahmat Irfandi Irfandi <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The match was watched by millions of spectators which made the players' enthusiasm even moreimproved and motivated, but now have to compete behind closed doors. Based on The audience coach's statement plays an important role for players because it can Motivate the players on the pitch and add enthusiasm to achieve victory, where they fall behind the opposing team here is the role. The audience is really needed to raise enthusiasm and motivation for the audience players during a match. The audience is also &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;often referred to as the 12th player of a game team. One of the impacts of this pandemic is being felt by soccer athletes, one of them The only impact of this pandemic is being felt by soccer athletes in Indonesia, where with the rules there should be no crowds, this also reduces their competitive motivation. Ruseski (2014:396) says by exercising or regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic disease, reduce stress and depression, improve emotional well-being, energy levels, self-confidence and satisfaction with social activities. During this pandemic afflict Indonesia, awareness to exercise from everyone to exercise more increased, but with limited activities outside the home and places general to keep your distance and avoid crowds. The role of the audience for athletes is very important in improving the spirit of the athletes at the time of the match, where the support from the crowd gave is a positive energy when the athlete's condition is in a pinch or lag behind the opposing side. But for the sake of fighting for dignity football in Indonesia, the soccer team continues to compete with the maximum, even though have to play without spectators. With the above problems, it is interesting to researched on the Motivation Levels of Athletes' Football Matches Without Spectators in Tribune in the New Normal Period. Based on the research objectives, there are two achievements in this study, namely: (1) developing a book on the level of motivation of football athletes, (2) developing a journal internationally reputed. This research is expected to provide benefits to increase motivation soccer athletes during matches, scientific publications and books about the level of motivation of soccer athletes.</em></p> 2023-01-29T11:42:58+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of a Media Model of Traditional Sports Teaching Materials Based on the Digital Era a New Normal for Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Students at Aceh Provincial University 2023-01-29T12:49:13+00:00 Irfandi Irfandi Zikrur Rahmat Salbani Mousa <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The aim is to design a media model for traditional sports teaching materials based on the digitalization of the new normal era for independent PJOK Program students studying independent campuses at universities in Aceh Province. Then the specific target to be achieved in this research study is to design a new normal era digitalization-based learning media model for independent PJOK Program students studying independent campuses at universities in Aceh Province. Then to implement and disseminate the new normal era digitalization-based learning media device model for the independent PJOK Program students studying independent campuses at universities in Aceh Province. The results and research findings show that on average, universities in Aceh Province, namely campuses: 1. Serambi Mekkah University, USM and 2. Abulyatama University, have not officially developed a digitalization-based traditional sports teaching material media model in the new normal era for students at the college, this requires government intervention efforts, the funds needed to develop a media model for these materials in order to develop as a teacher.</em></p> 2023-01-29T12:49:13+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Ledder Drill Training on Football Dribbling Ability in SSB AC Putra Campurejo 2023-01-30T07:51:35+00:00 Hamdan Zaidin Achmad Afandy <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study aims to determine the effect of Ledder Drill Exercise on dribbling skills at SSB Ac Putra Campurejo. pure experiment (one experiment) is the method used. With a sample of 24 athletes from a total population of 100 students. Data collection is done by measuring test. For the calculation process using the SPSS 16 application. The result data can be seen during the initial test with an average value of 36.77, then it increases by 38.79, the next data results there is a percentage increase of 2.28%.</em></p> 2023-01-30T07:51:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Physical Fitness Level of Kosgoro Lawang Vocational High School Students After the Covid 19 Pandemic 2023-01-30T08:36:04+00:00 Rachmad Yuli Anggono Hari Pamungkas Sudari Sudari <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The Covid 19 pandemic has begun to gradually recover, the condition for approximately 3 years this many stay at home activities have an impact on everyone's fitness, especially for students. on. so it is necessary to measure the level of physical fitness of the students of SMK Kosgoro Lawang by using the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test (TKJI) instrument for the students of SMK Kosgoro Lawang. Research data collection was carried out at SMK Kosgoro Lawang. The data collection technique was carried out through the stages of tests and measurements using (TKJI). The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical technique. Calculating the Average Value (Mean), using a quantitative descriptive analysis technique with a percentage score. The results of data analysis that have been obtained show that the level of physical fitness of SMK Kosgoro Lawang students on the 60 meter running test is included in the Less criteria with 24%, 64% sufficient criteria and 12% good criteria. On the body lift test, 48% of the criteria are sufficient and 52% good. Furthermore, for the lying down test in the good category 24% and very good 76%. For the vertical jump test in the less than 20% category, 60 is enough, 16% is good and 4% is very good. The 1200 meter run test item, 4% less category, 8% less, 40% enough and 48% good.</em></p> 2023-01-30T08:30:07+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Correlation of Height and Weight to 50 M Running Speed at PSDS Sukorejo Football School 2023-01-31T02:56:41+00:00 Anjasmara Wahyud Kusuma Hari Pamungkas Muhammad Nidomuddin <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Football player to achieve good game results must be able to master all parts and various basic techniques of playing football skills, the basic techniques of playing football determine the extent to which a player can improve the quality of his game. Biological factors, in this case body posture, include: 1) Body height and length; 2) Large size, width, and body weight; 3) Endomorphy body shape, which is short, fat, mesomorphy (athletic), ectomorphy (height and thin). With the capital of a good football player, it will certainly bring Indonesia to world football achievements. This research is a correlation research with the aim of connecting the independent variable and the dependent variable. The population and sample of this study were SSB PSDS Sukorejo. Data collection techniques using test and measurement techniques, data analysis techniques using product moment correlation statistics from Karl Pearson with a significant level of 5%. The result of the calculation between each independent and dependent variable above, which is interpreted between the independent variable and the dependent variable, where the calculation is operated manually using Microsoft Excel, it is known that the overall correlation coefficient value is rX1Y = 0.96 and rX2Y = 0.951 rtable value. = 0.514 and rX1.2Y = 1.887.</em></p> 2023-01-31T02:56:40+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Cold Water Immersion Therapy for Post-Exercise Recovery: Systematic Literature Review 2023-01-31T03:18:11+00:00 Muhammad Nurusyaikhi Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Haris Nugroho <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to identify cold water immersion therapy for post-exercise recovery. The method used is a literature study or systematic literature review. This data collection uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. Based on the results of the literature review, the core of cold therapy is to absorb calories from the local area of ​​​​injury so that there is a decrease in temperature. Cold Water Immersion is beneficial for improving physiological and psychological recovery after exercise, especially as it reduces delayed onset muscle soreness. Cold Water Immersion is useful for improving the quality of subsequent training and ultimately competitive performance through better recovery and the cumulative effect of increasing the quality and quantity of exercise.</em></p> 2023-01-31T03:18:10+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Swimming Interest Survey on State Primary School Students 4 Wonoboyo Wonogiri 2023-02-04T07:00:33+00:00 Ruwiyanto Ruwiyanto Agus Kristiyanto Tri Aprilijanto Utomo <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the interest in swimming in SD Negeri 4 Wonoboyo Wonogiri students. The type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative research with a survey approach. The population in this study were students of SD Negeri 4 Wonoboyo Wonogiri. with a total of 28 students. The sampling technique in this study used a total sampling technique. The sample in this study found 28 students. Analysis of the data in this study used descriptive analysis with SPSS version 25. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that the interest in swimming in SD Negeri 4 Wonoboyo Wonogiri students is in a high category with swimming pool indicators, parental support, use of swimming style, wanting to be an athlete excellence percentage of answers always get the highest score. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used to develop swimming sports at SD Negeri 4 Wonoboyo Wonogiri through swimming extracurriculars.</em></p> 2023-01-31T03:30:42+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sedentary Lifestyle Post-Covid-19 Pandemic State Primary School V Mojosongo Surakarta 2023-01-31T03:46:17+00:00 Sunarwan Sunarwan Agus Kristiyanto Sapta Kunta Purnama <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the sedentary lifestyle after the COVID-19 pandemic at SD Negeri Mojosongo V Surakarta. The type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative research with a survey approach. The population in this study were students of SD Negeri Mojosongo V Surakarta class V with a total of 30 students. The sampling technique in this study used a total sampling technique. The sample in this study amounted to 30 students. Data analysis in this study used descriptive analysis with SPSS version 25. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the sedentary lifestyle of children in SD Negeri Mojosongo V has a high category as evidenced by indicators like using cellphones/gadgets, cellphones are not used to find material/study. , likes to play online games, likes to eat junk food, likes to snack outside the school canteen, the majority of the percentage of answers always gets the highest score. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as a basis for all parties to pay more attention to and supervise children related to a sedentary lifestyle.</em></p> 2023-01-31T03:46:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Survey Hand-eye Coordination Ability of Tarung Derajat Athletes Bantul 2023-01-31T03:57:41+00:00 Dody Tri Iwandana Ardhika Falaahudin Muhammad Romadhoni <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the eye-hand coordination ability of the Tarung Derajat Athletes in Bantul Regency</em><em>. </em><em>This study used a descriptive research design with a survey method. The population of this study amounted to 12 Tarung Derajat athletes, Bantul Regency. . The sample in this study used a total sampling technique of 12 Tarung Derajat athletes, both male and female, Bantul Regency. Data collection techniques used in this study were tests and measurements. Data analysis in this study used SPSS version 25</em><em>. </em><em>Based on the results of research analysis with a sample of 12 fighting athletes, the average eye-hand coordination was 11.25 with a standard deviation of 3.744, the highest score was 19 and the lowest score was 5. Then the results of the eye-hand coordination test showed that the number of athletes who were categorized as poor was 3 alit, the moderate category consisted of 5 athletes, the good category consisted of 3 athletes and the excellent category consisted of 1 athlete. So it can be concluded that the majority of Tarung Derajat athletes' eye-hand coordination abilities in Bantul Regency are in the moderate category.</em></p> 2023-01-31T03:57:41+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Organizational System of Coaching Tennis Court Athletes in PELTI Lampung Province 2023-01-31T04:12:45+00:00 Fikri Arif Mutaqin Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Tri Aprilijanto Utomo <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the organizational system for coaching tennis athletes at PELTI Lampung Province. This research is included in qualitative research. Sampling was done by purposive sampling to select research subjects. In this study, interviews, observations, and documentation were used to collect data. The interactive data analysis model was used in this study, which consisted of three parts: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the PELTI Lampung Province uses one form of organization, namely the single form. PELTI Lampung Province is led by one general chairman who oversees several coordinators, so that all decisions rest with the general chairman. Any activities that will be carried out by each division or member must be known and approved by the general chairman of the Lampung Province PELTI. The process and planning of activities are carried out by members of the Lampung Province PELTI so that the chairman only approves for reasons that are in accordance with the needs of the Lampung Province PELTI.</em></p> 2023-01-31T04:12:45+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Survey of Interest of Madrasah Aliyah Students throughout Poncokusumo District in Badminton Extracurriculars 2023-01-31T06:01:00+00:00 M. Sholikhin Yuskhil Mushofi <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study aims to determine the interest of Madrasah Aliyah students in participating in extracurricular badminton in Poncokusumo sub-district. This type of research is descriptive research using qualitative research methods. The subjects used were 30 students consisting of 15 students from MA Al-Ittihad and 15 students from Ma Sunan Ampel Poncokusumo. The results showed that the percentage of very high category 7%, high 36%, low 50%, very low 7%, the percentage of internal factors that influence students' interest in participating in extracurricular badminton is very high 10%, high 43%, low 40%, very low 7%, the percentage of external factors that affect student interest very high category 10%, high 36%, low 53% very low 3%. It can be concluded that the category of students in participating in badminton extracurricular is low.</em></p> 2023-01-31T06:00:59+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Survey of Interest in Pencak Silat Extracurricular Training in Madrasah Aliyah Poncokusumo District Malang 2021/2022 2023-01-31T06:36:09+00:00 Mokhamad Mughofar Yuskhil Mushofi Anangga Widya Pradipta <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This research is to find out the size of the student's interest in pencak silat extracurricular at Madrasah Aliyah in the Poncokusumo district after the covid -19 pandemic, which was initially limited, then after Covid ended, the extras started again. Demands to maintain physical fitness by exercising, taking vitamins and adequate rest. In research, interest is defined as interest or liking for one thing or activity without coercion. To achieve a non-academic achievement goal, the extracurricular management from the school is to manage all matters relating to extracurricular activities. In this study using descriptive quantitative survey method using techniques in data collection, namely by using a questionnaire/questionnaire. Sampling of 20 students who attend Madrasah in Poncokusumo sub-district. This research uses quota sampling technique. The results showed interest in participating in extracurricular pencak silat 14 (70%) students had a high interest, and 4 (20%) students had a very high interest. The details on the indicators are intrinsic, namely 9 (45%) students have a very high category of interest in pencak silat and 9 (45%) students have a high category. On extrinsic indicators, 3 (15%) students have a very high interest in pencak silat and 15 (75%) students have a high interest in pencak silat.</em></p> 2023-01-31T06:36:08+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Survey of Ideal Lecturer Interested by Students IKIP Budi Utomo Malang 2023-01-31T07:29:53+00:00 George Elmas Tria Muhamad Aris Nuril Hidayati <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Education is one of the means to answer various challenges related to the development of information, globalization, free markets, and even the problem of national and state harmony. In college, the lecturer is a figure who has an important role in the college life of a student. The most common factors used by students as parameters for the assessment of their lecturers are seen from three factors, namely the way of teaching, giving lectures, and giving grades. The research approach used is descriptive quantitative, with survey method. This research was conducted at IKIP Budi Utomo Malang during July 2022. The population in this study were students of IKIP Budi Utomo Malang while the research sample consisted of 7 study programs, namely physical education, health and recreation, mathematics education, biology education, language education and education. Indonesian literature, English language education, sociology history education, and economic education with 50 students. The results of the study indicate that lecturers have a fairly dominant influence on the quality of learning because it is the lecturer who is responsible for the learning process in the classroom even as an education provider in the campus environment</em><em>.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-01-31T07:29:52+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of Articulate Storyline-Based Learning Media to Improve Football Material on MI Wahid Hasyim Jambangan 2023-02-01T07:40:09+00:00 Ahmad Sayyidi Ghufron Reno Siska Sari <p style="text-align: justify;">This research is motivated by the absence of the development of articulate storyline-based learning media to improve football material at MI Wahid Hasyim Jambangan. So this research aims to develop an articulate storyine-based learning media to improve football material at MI Wahid Hasyim Jambangan. This research is a descriptive qualitative and quantitative research. The data collection instruments used interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Data analysis in this research and development uses descriptive quantitative analysis of percentages. The subjects in this study were lecturers as media and material experts, and 5th grade students of MI Wahid Hasyim Jambangan. Analysis of the data obtained from material experts with a percentage of 75%, media experts with a percentage of 100%, small group test with a percentage of 92%, and large group test with a percentage of 90%. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the results of research and development of soccer learning media based on the articulate storyline application are "fit for use" for soccer learning and can be used as learning support in physical education, sports and health subjects in soccer learning materials.</p> 2023-02-01T07:40:08+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Application of Traditional Rubber Rope Game To Improve High Jump Athletic Skills 2023-02-01T08:06:56+00:00 Ilga Lusiana Erfitra Rezqi Prasmala <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Traditional game rubber rope or jumping rope is a game that resembles a rope composed of rubber bands that can be used as a means of playing as well as sports. The rope used is made of interwoven rubber bands that are widely available around us. How to play can be done individually or in groups.This research was conducted because the learning of jumping was not attractive to the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Jatisari, Pakisaji District, Malang Regency. The value of the learning outcomes obtained by students is 50% below the specified KKM. This study aims to determine the improvement of jumping learning with rubber band rope aids in fifth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Jatisari, Pakisaji District, Malang Regency.This research is a classroom action research, with a research model from Suharsimi Arikunto, consisting of planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects in this study were the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Jatisri, Pakisaji District, Malang Regency, totaling 22 people. Data collection techniques using observations (observation data) and student test results (performance tests). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the increase in jumping results through the rope game for fifth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Jatisari, Pakisaji District is marked by an increase in grades in each class. Learning to jump using a rubber rope game approach has a positive impact on improving student learning outcomes. This can be seen from the increasing understanding of students' understanding of the material presented by researchers in cycles I and II. In the first cycle, the completeness of learning outcomes reached 72.72%, while in the second cycle, the completeness of learning outcomes reached 81.81%. This shows an increase in student athletic learning outcomes by 9.09%. The process of learning to jump using a rubber rope game is dynamic and fun. Students actively carry out tasks and observe high jump and long jump movements and techniques. The jumping ability of students increases marked by the score of many students who complete the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria) which is 70.</em></p> 2023-02-01T08:06:56+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Suitability of Physical Education Learning Facilities and Infrastructure at Sang Timur Catholic Junior High School, Malang City Based on Permendiknas No. 24 of 2007 2023-02-02T03:29:09+00:00 Faizal Aminudin Muzaqi Yusvidha Ernata <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This research is motivated by not knowing the suitability of physical education facilities and infrastructure at Sang Timur Catholic Junior High School, Malang City. This study aims to determine the level of conformity of physical education learning facilities and infrastructure at Sang Timur Catholic Junior High School Malang City based on the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 24 of 2007 concerning sports facilities and infrastructure. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using a survey method. Data collection techniques using observation sheets. The population in this study was the Sang Timur Catholic Junior High School, Malang City. The data analysis technique used in this study is to describe the results of observations. The results of the research on the suitability of physical education facilities and infrastructure in Sang Timur Catholic Junior High School Malang based on Permendiknas No.24 of 2007 showed the level of conformity was 65.21%.</em></p> 2023-02-02T03:29:09+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efforts to Improve Short-Distance Running Achievement Through a Play Approach in Grade VIII Students 2023-02-02T03:56:07+00:00 Frederikus Yoga Agusti Mardikaninsih <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of short-distance running achievement through a play approach to class VIII students. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR), with three cycles. The instrument used is a short distance running test. The subjects in this study were class VIII students, totaling 16 students. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics with percentages. Based on the results of the study, the results of the Short Distance Running test through a play approach to class VIII students obtained an average achievement in cycle 1 of 64.58, an average of 71.87 in cycle 2, and an average of cycle 3 obtained 80, From these results, it can be concluded that there is an increase in Short Distance Running Achievement through a Playing Approach for Class VIII Students. In this study, I created a student performance grid in which there are several indicators that will determine student scores. The KKM value for learning sprint distance running is obtained with several assessment criteria, namely mastery of movement techniques, enthusiasm and harmony in practicing sprint running, while for the aspects assessed, namely starting attitude, body posture when running, arm swing, body posture at the finish and grades. achievement (time).&nbsp; To get a score above the KKM, in the learning process the teacher must be able to maximize the factors that support the achievement of the learning.</em></p> 2023-02-02T03:56:06+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Fine Motor Skills Using the Coloring Method in Students with Mental Impairment Mustika Home Schooling 2023-02-02T04:55:57+00:00 Achmad Fajar Hamzah Maarif Havid Yusuf <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Fine motor skills are movements that only involve certain body parts that are only carried out by small muscles, therefore, in fine motor skills, the element of energy is not really needed, but rather careful and thorough coordination of body parts. Mental retardation is an individual who has been identified by a psychologist who has sluggishness in thinking and learning, as well as difficulty in pronunciation. This study aims to describe the fine motor skills of mentally retarded students Mustika Home Schooling in physical education lessons using the coloring method. This research uses qualitative or naturalistic methods because it is carried out in natural conditions. For the research method, the researcher uses a qualitative method, which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words of people and observable behavior. Qualitative approach has natural characteristics (natural serfing) as a source of direct data, descriptive, process is more important than results. Data collection is done by using the method of observation or observation. The results of this study indicate that there is a change in the coloring of the pattern in Figures 1, 2, 3 in Dastan and Arjuna. Researchers can conclude that Dastan and Arjuna have good motor skills, it is slowly proven by how they color the patterns of the pictures given.</em></p> 2023-02-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Paired Lower Passing Exercises on Lower Passing Skills in Volleyball Extracurriculars at State Vocational High School 1 Gending 2023-02-02T05:31:19+00:00 Fajar Saifullah Yulianto Dwi Saputro <p style="text-align: justify;">The lack of knowledge of the basic techniques of good and correct passing which resulted in the enthusiasm of vocational school children in playing volleyball was felt to be lacking. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an effect of paired down passing practice on down passing skills. The method used in this research is classroom action research method. The research design used is the observation of the average value of cycle 1 and cycle 2. The results of the study by doing several different exercise models in each meeting can improve students' skills in doing underhand passing in pairs with one of the references for the assessment of researchers using one particular exercise model to know the results. This can be proven from the results of observing the results of student training from 16 students in the initial conditions the number of students who achieved the KKM score with a value of 3 (good) and (very good) only 7 students with an average value of 51.5%, and in the first cycle increased to 9 students with an average score of 60.9%, then in the second cycle, increased to 10 students who achieved the KKM score with an average value of 71.8%. So that classical completeness in the class has reached more than 60% of students who have completed learning.</p> 2023-02-02T05:31:19+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efforts to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Football Learning with a Shooting Color Game Approach in State Junior High School Grade VII Students 3 Regency of Nangaroro Satap Aegela Nagekeo 2023-02-02T08:32:12+00:00 Yusvidha Ernata Sandro Sabinus Taso <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Students' interest in physical education is still low, which should be counteracted given the many educational goals that can be achieved through physical education. Teachers should be able to look for something new in the innovative learning process and maximize learning outcomes. Is the shooting color game approach able to improve student learning outcomes in the game of football for students in the VII SMPN Nangaroro Satap Aegela Nagekeo District? The goal of this study was to improve student learning outcomes in football learning using a color shooting game approach in students in grade VII at SMPN 3 Nangaroro Satap Aegela Nagekeo Regency. Class action research was conducted in Cycle 2. The 34 participants in the study were all seventh-grade students. observational data collection techniques in the form of documents and photographs the findings revealed that using the shooting color game approach, penjasorkes' learning in football games increased. This study found that the knowledge aspect improved by 29.41%, the attitude aspect improved by 8.82%, and the skill aspect improved by 23.53%. It is expected that the shooting color game approach can be used as an alternative to improve student learning outcomes in football games.</em></p> 2023-02-02T08:32:12+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning on the Ability of Front Roll Floor Gymnastics for Grade VIII Students of Hesti Wira Cakti Junior High School 2023-02-03T02:10:41+00:00 Slamet Arifin Ratno Susanto <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study aims to produce effective classroom learning through gymnastics learning skills. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). Classroom action research is research that has the aim of carrying out a certain action in order to improve or improve the practice of learning activities in the classroom so that it becomes a professional learning activity. CAR is one of the efforts that teachers can do to improve the quality of teacher roles and responsibilities, especially in learning management. Through CAR, teachers can improve their performance continuously, by self-reflection. the results of research that has been carried out by researchers with physical education subject teachers for class VIII SMP Hesti Wira Cakti Pandaan obtained from interviews, observations, non-tests, and is supported by existing data.</em></p> 2023-02-03T02:10:40+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Relationship between Arm Muscle and Leg Muscle Strength to Volleyball Overhand Serve for Elementary Students 2023-02-03T02:45:59+00:00 Abdul Rohman Ari Wibowo Nurcholis Istiawan Trinovandhi Setyawan <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This study aims to determine the relationship between the arm and the leg muscle strength with the volleyball overhand service during the post-pandemic era. As we know, when the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, students’ activities and movements were limited. In fact, moving is an important point in the growth and development of students. Subject of this study were 30 male students of fifth and sixth grades SDN Bago 01 Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency; which then be used as the sample of the study. This study implements quantitative research method with correlation technique to figure out whether there is correlation between the variables; and if so, how significant and meaningful the correlation. The instruments of this study are in form of tests of (1) arm muscle strength, (2) leg muscle strength, and (3) volleyball overhand serve skill. The data were analyzed using statistical correlation with significance level a = 0.05. The result of this study showed that there is no significant correlation between arm and leg muscle strength with overhand serve skills of the fifth and sixth grade male students of SDN Bago 01 Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency (F-ratio 1.747 &lt; F-table 3.32).</em></p> 2023-02-03T02:45:59+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##