Representasi Astabrata sebagai Konsep Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel Airlangga Karya Sw Warsito dan Harmadi

  • Gatot Sarmidi Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang,
  • Suryantoro Suryantoro Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: astabrata, prose fiction Indonesia, novel Airlangga, character education


Airlangga was the king who ruled in Java in the XI century. In addition to being a historical study, this character is also present in Indonesian novels which contain the values of character education. To explain this, this paper explores Astabrata as a concept of character education represented through novels. By interpreting hermeneutics, the result is a descriptive explanation of the concept of Javanese philosophy embedded in the formation of the character of Raja Airlangga based on the concept of Astabrata as a literary study with a historical and educational approach. The results of this study serve to activate the literacy of high school students in order to strengthen character education, value education, and love for the history of the nation's civilization.

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