The Use of Madurese Language as Transactional Dialogue Aprroach in teaching English for The Students Major in Law

  • Evha Nazalatus Sa’adiyah Sy Universitas Madura
  • Devie Reztia Anjarani Universitas Madura
  • Atikatul Himmah INSTIKA
Keywords: madurese, language, transactional dialogue approach


This research aims are: 1) how the lecturer uses Madurese language as transactional approach in teaching English for the students major in law, 2) the contextual use of Madurese Language. This research is qualitative descriptive, and using interview and observation as method to collect The data needed. The participants of this research are 60 students of students at Law department in Madura University. The result shows that the use of native language in this case is Madurese Languange in teaching learning is very helpful both of by the teacher and students in learning process. Madurese language used as transactional approach in giving instruction, clarification the purpose, explain grammatical, explain vocabulary, correct students’ mistake, to ask question to the teacher, make a request, to give motivation. It showed native language is still needed and has contribution in learning second language in this case English.

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