Pengembangan Modul Peribahasa Indonesia dengan Memanfaatkan Cerita Rakyat Jawa Timur Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter bagi Siswa Kelas XI SMK NU Bululawang, 2021

  • Ica Catur Wulandari IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Susandi Susandi IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Yunita Anas Sriwulandari IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: Module, Proverb, Learning Effectiveness


The development of Indonesian language learning modules in Proverb material in class XI at SMK NU Bulawang based on data obtained from observations made by researchers to teachers of Indonesian subjects at SMK NU Bululawang revealed several problems experienced in learning Indonesian, namely students are not enthusiastic and not actively participating in Indonesian language learning, students have difficulty understanding concepts related to contextual problems or everyday life. The objectives of this development are to: 1) Knowing the process of developing Indonesian proverb material modules by utilizing character education-based East Java folklore for SMK NU Bululawang students 2) Knowing the feasibility of interpreting East Javanese proverbs based on character education modules to be used as student learning materials and 3) Knowing the effectiveness of developing Indonesian proverb material modules by utilizing East Java folklore based on character education for students of SMK NU Bululawang. This thesis uses a research and development approach or Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Explanation of the effectiveness of the learning module used a questionnaire in class XI SMK NU Bululawang, and to explain the effect on the effectiveness of learning using a pre-test and post-test control group design. The results of the development show that the learning module development process is carried out in four main stages namely 1) analyzing needs, designing and making modules, testing feasibility and testing module effectiveness. 2) Specifications for Indonesian language learning modules in this Proverb subject are in the form of print media. 3) The effectiveness of learning by using the development of the Indonesian proverb material module by utilizing the folklore of East Java based on character education for SMK NU Bululawang students has a high level of interest based on field trials measured using the assessment responses of all students of class XI AKL SMK NU Bululawang showing the percentage of assessment students to the components reached 70% with interesting criteria. This is evidenced by the results of the validation of material experts with a feasibility level of 90%, and the validation of design experts with a feasibility level of 84%. The results of field trials show that the average acquisition of learning outcomes in class XI SMK NU Bululawang has increased from 53.15 in pre-test gains to 87.39 in post-test. The level of effectiveness of using the module was analyzed using the independent sample t-test formula to test the hypothesis. Based on the calculation results obtained tcount = 6.70 ttable = 2.080. Because tcount > ttable then h0 and ha are accepted. So it can be concluded that the Indonesian language learning module in the developed proverb material has proven to be significantly effective in increasing the effectiveness of student learning.

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