Analisis Nilai Moral dalam Novel Ganjil Genap Karya Almira Bastari

  • Yulianus Kantus IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Anita Kurnia Rachman IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Artifa Sorraya IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
Keywords: Moral values, tolerance, society


Value is something that is interesting, something that is sought, something that is fun, something that is liked and desired. All values ​​that exist in human relations in society are also called moral values, not a category of values ​​that stands alone in addition to other categories of values. Moral values ​​will not be separated from other types of values. Moral values ​​contained in the community are also found in literary works, especially novels. The problem of moral values ​​appears in the novel because moral values ​​are the basis of attitudes (good and bad) of people's behavior in everyday life which can also be experienced by the characters in the novel. Moral values ​​are also found in the novel. The function of moral values ​​contained in the novel gives an overview to the reader to become a better person and able to live in society by having tolerance values ​​between others.

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