Muatan Budaya dalam Buku Ajar Sahabatku Indonesia Tingkat A1 dan A2

  • Noviana Goro Kadu
  • Azza Aulia Ramadhani IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: cultural content, learning of BIPA, BIPA’s text book


This study aims to obtain a description of the representation of Indonesian culture in the BIPA Sahabatku Indonesia textbooks at A1 and A2 levels seen from the aspects of (1) reading text; (2) dialogue; and (3) grammar material. This study uses a qualitative approach designed in a qualitative-descriptive form. The data source of this research is a written source in the form of text of teaching materials in BIPA textbooks at A1 and A2 levels. The data used in the form of written data, namely reading text, dialogue, and grammar material.

The results of this study indicate that the cultural aspects that are represented in the BIPA Sahabatku Indonesia textbooks for levels A1 and A2 through reading texts, namely those presented in teaching materials through dialogue are also the names of Javanese and Muslim people and through grammar material is one of them in choosing names to compose sentences. Meanwhile, cultural aspects are represented through dialogue in the form of reading texts. In addition, it was also found that cultural aspects represented through grammatical materials, namely those presented in the textbooks of Sahabatku Indonesia level A1 and A2 also show that a person's situation can use pronouns in formal and informal forms.

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