• Santi Aprilia Warawari IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Umi Salamah IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: fable, writing, ATM


Writing fables is not just writing stories about animals but writing stories with animal characters who are given characters such as humans to pass on noble values so that learners have indonesian cultured characters and appreciate the values of local wisdom. The result of writing a fable story will be better if using the ATM method (observe, imitate, modify). This research aims to describe the process and results of differences in fable writing competence using atm methods (Amati, Imitate, and Modification) students of Class VII nu Gondanglegi junior high school year 2020/2021. With the formula of the problem of how the competence of writing fables before using the ATM method and how the competence of writing fables after using the ATM method, is there a difference in the competence of writing fables using the ATM method. This research method is a type of quantitative research test in which the implementation distinguishes the results of writing a student's fable, before and after using the ATM method. Data collection is done using observation techniques, tests and documentation. The results of this study show that through the application of ATM methods (observe, imitate, modifications can improve the competence of fable writing. This increase is seen from the average grade VII student of NU Gondanglegi Junior High School of 79.8. Based on research it can be concluded that the use of ATM methods can improve the fable writing competence of students of class VII NU Gondanglegi junior high school year 2020/2021. Based on the conclusion it is recommended that the ATM method can be used to improve the learning competence of other topics or can be tried to be used in other schools, because the ATM method provides examples and operational steps for learners who in completing learning tasks.

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