Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Video Interaktif untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui Video YouTube

  • Chaila Fitri Ramadhina Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Ike Dian Puspitasari
Keywords: Learning media, interactive video, YouTube


This research aims to describe the procedure of developing YouTube based video learning media in English language. This research is a type of research and development (Research and Development). Research and development by adaptation of procedures from (Januszewski and Molenda, 2008) which includes 4 stages of development, namely: (1) The analysis stage which includes; analyzing the situation, materials, and media needs (2) Design stage by preparing the background of the video that will be displayed (3) The development stage which is divided into 2, namely pre-production and production. Pre-production which consisted of; video synopsis, video script. The production consisted of video recording, editing, and finalization (4) The evaluation stage where the researcher explains the results of the validation assessment from the material expert along with the results of the follow-up to the suggestions from the material expert. The validation results on this media interactive video are classified as good categories as the final result. The number of media validation questionnaire items consisting of 10 points using an ordinal scale of 1,2,3,4,5 then the overall results when calculated from the results of the three aspects of each are 39 which are included in the Good category.

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