Developing Snake and Ladder Board Game as Media for the 7th Graders’ Speaking Practice at SMP Negeri 4 Nubatukan

  • Stevania Kidi IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Developing, Snake And Ladder Boad Game, Media, Speaking


This study aims to develop and also find out the need for learning media in the form of board games as a media of speaking practice for  the seventh grade of SMPN 4 Nubatukan with material material regarding gratitude, mentioning the name of the day, date, month, year, time and also the words of commands and prohibitions. This research is a Research and Development with 7 stages of research, namely: 1. Potential and Problem Analysis, 2. Data Collection, 3. Product Design, 4. Design Validation, 5.Product Revision, 6. Product Trial and 7. Mass Production.  In this study, using a questionnaire to evaluate the quality of the learning media, the quality of the material and also the students' responses. ValidationThe quality of media and materials was carried out by a teacher at SMPN 1 Nubatukan and a teacher at SMPN 4 Nubatukan and then tested at SMPN 4 Nubatukan class VII with a total of 24 students. The results of this study are learning media in the form of a snake and ladder board game as a medium of speaking practice with some material regarding gratitude, mentioning the name of the day, date, month,year, time and also the words of commands and prohibitionsfor grade VII students. The assessment of the feasibility aspect of the media includes the "Very Good" category with a score of 64 and the results of the material feasibility assessment include the "Very Good" category with a score of obtained as many as 65 while the results of the feasibility of media assessment from subject teachers scored 55 and were included in the "Very Good" category. The results of student responses to this learning media got a score of 58.91 with the category "Very" Good” Based on the validation results, it can be concluded that this snake and ladder board game media is feasible to be applied in learning English as a media of speaking practice for class VII.

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