Kearifan Lokal Tradisi Ngarak Manten dalam Manten Kaji (Pengantin Semarangan)

  • Juliana Juliana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  • Wakit Abdullah Rais Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  • Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Keywords: local wisdom, ngarak manten, verbal expression, non-verbal expression


The ngarak manten tradition is a procession that is characteristic of the Manten Kaji traditional ceremony or Semarangan bride which is different from other wedding customs. The purpose of this research is to describe local wisdom as a character reinforcement of the multicultural society of Semarang, but it is minimal from SARA problems which are reflected in the verbal and nonverbal expressions of the Ngarak Manten tradition at the Manten Kaji ceremony. Methods of data collection methods of participant observation and interviews. Methods of data analysis using ethnographic methods. The results of the verbal expression research include manten kaji, manten model encik, ngarak manten, denok kenang, dancer of gambang semarang, blantenan, kembang manggar, jodhang, horse, joli, payung agung, ganjel rel, lumpia, jenang, jadah, jabika, cucur, kendil, yellow rice, coins, vegetables and fruits. Non-verbal expressions include 4 terbang holders walking backwards, a group of reminiscences carrying kendils, spreading yellow rice and coins. Local wisdom from the Ngarak Manten tradition as a multicultural community character includes (a) upholding tolerance for differences in ethnicity, culture, race and religion, (b) communal work, (c) community cohesiveness, (d) harmony in coexistence with other ethnicities.

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