Menelisik Nilai Budaya pada Cerita Rakyat Sipirok sebagai Cerminan Karakter Kultur Angkola

  • Yusni Khairul Amri Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
  • Dian Marisha Putri Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Sipirok Folklore, Values, Cultural Character


Folklore based on local culture is public entertainment in filling their spare time after being tired of activities. Folklore based on local culture has vital importance as a message for the next generation, because it has an ethnic identity in understanding local culture as culture. The study uses the opinion of Dundes (1965:2) Bruvand (1965), Danandjaja (1997) and the concept of value according to Bascom in Danandjaja (1995:3-20). Miles and Huberman's (2007) qualitative research methodology includes data collection of folklore texts, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or levers. Based on the analysis of folklore data from a book entitled 'Halilian: Turi-turian Hi Halak Sipirok Banggo-banggo' by H. Abdurrahman Ritonga (2006). The results obtained based on the Sipirok folklore text-cultural values ​​as a reflection of the Angkola cultural character in the folklore text with behavioral tendencies as psychological symptoms based on the analyzed data, it was found that a) Educational Values: a) Angkola Traditional Identity Values, b) Values ​​of Fortitude and Patience , c) Character values ​​with work ethic, d) Character values ​​like to cooperate, e) Consensus and moral values, 1) Character values ​​for Humility, and C. Religious character values: a) Belief in God Almighty and b. ) Character Value of Belief in the Unseen.

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