Èkrar Nêbus Kêmbar Mayang: Memilah Model Transkripsi Sastra Lisan Lereng Kawi

  • Fandy Romadhoni Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Teguh Tri Wahyudi Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: transcription model, oral literature, manuscript publication, phonetic symbol, customized spelling


Oral literature research that focused on the transcriptional model has not been found much, therefore this article is written as an offer of transcription model that can be applied in oral literature research. The research material object is taken from a wedding rite procession in the Sumberkunci village, the southern slope of Kawi Mountain. Data were collected in field research by using audio and video recording media. The recorded data is then processed in the transcription stage. Three stages of transcription were carried out with (1) digital model, (2) analog model and (3) combined model. The result of the digital model transcription with the help of Voice Recognition application is a transcript of speech sounds without phonetic symbols and speech breaks. The results of the manual model transcription with the help of the ELAN 6.2 application in the form of phonetic text and speech fragments that are more accurate. The result of the combined model transcription with the help of the Adobe Audition CS6 that adapted with Office Word collaboration is in the form of oral text with customized spelling. Furthermore, transcription output of each model can be chosen by the reader according to the needs of scientific studies or as general reading.

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