• edwin sapu ranga ikip budui utomo malang
  • Yunita Anas Sriwulandari
Keywords: Ecranization, Novel and Film.


This study aims to describe the process of ecranization of the plot,
characters, and setting. Both in the form of categorization of aspects of
reduction, addition or change, there are various variations in the ecranization
of the novel Layangan Putus by Eka Nur Prasetya and the Film Layangan
Putus by Benni Setiawan.
As for in this study the researchers used descriptive qualitative research
methods. The data sources of this research are the Disconnect Kites Novel by
Ekla Nur Prasetya and the Disconnected Kites Film by Benni Setawan. In this
study, the researcher focused more on the process of ecranization of the plot,
characters, and setting. The instrument of this research is the technique of
reading, watching and taking notes. Data validity was obtained using
semantic validity and referential validity, data reliability was obtained using
intrarater reliability.
Based on the explanation above, the researchers found research results
that showed that the ecranization process that occurred in the plot,
character, and setting elements, namely the existence of a reduction, addition,
and change varied. The shrinkage of plot, characters and setting occurs
because the media used in making novels and films are different. Overall it
was done because the omission of the story, characters, and setting were
taken in parts that were not so important to be displayed. The addition of
plots, characters and settings in the film as a whole is still relevant to the
story in the novel, it's just that the visualization of the film is made more
interesting by the many story conflicts, the existence of an additional
character and background that is raised so that the story in the film does not
feel monotonous like the story in the film. novel. This appearance is to add to
the essence of the film so that the audience will be at the bottom of the
storyline. The changes in the various plots, characters and settings that were
made in the visualization to the form of the film as a whole did not occur far
from the depiction in the novel.

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