• Mathildis Peni Assan IKIP BUDI UTOMO MALANG
  • Yahmun Yahmun
Keywords: Listening, Watching, English Movie.



In today's world of education, we can see that education in Indonesia is very much different from what is expected, this can be seen from the quality of education that is not in sync with the times. Apart from the need to expand educational opportunities in terms of quality, there are still many aspects that need to be improved. Aspects that need to be improved are writing, listening, reading and speaking.

The objective of this study was to analyze and explain the process of improving the students‟ listening skill for eight grade students of SMP Kertanegara Malang, through watching English movie. The subject of this research were 8th grade students of SMP Kertanegara Malang, that consisted of 20 students. The method used in this study is Classroom Action Research (CAR) by Kemmis and Mc Taggart action research procedure: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. This study carried out in two cycles, which contained two meetings in each cycle. The observation sheets, and tests were the data gathered in this study. The results in this study indicate that there was obtained improvement of the students' listening skills. Most of the students gradually gained good scores at the end of cycle. The score of Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) of English lesson was 75. In the pre-test, there were 5 or 25% students who passed the KKM and the mean score of the pre-test was 60. The result of post-test 1 in cycle one, there were 7 or 35% students who passed the KKM considering their mean score of the test gained 69,5. Next the results of the post- test 2 in the second cycle shows that there were 18 or 90% students who passed the KKM in which their mean score derived 84,75. In conclusion, watching English movie can improve students‟ listening skill.

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