• Rafiqa Yusrin Rahmia IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: learning module, English


Rahmia, Rafiqa Yusrin. 2022. Developing Learning Module As  Supplementary Teaching Material  for Learning English for the fifth Graders of SD Negeri 4 Ternyang. English Education Department. Graduate Program. IKIP Budi Utomo of Malang, Advisor; Jasuli. S.Pd., M.Pd.


The background of developing teaching materials for the 5th grade English module at SD Negeri 4 Ternyang is by looking at the existing problems through interviewing English teachers and distributing questionnaires to 24 students. Interviews were used to analyze problems in the learning process, while questionnaires were used to analyze students' needs in learning English. Then the second questionnaire was used to collect data from material experts and media experts about the feasibility of the product being developed. The research was conducted due to the lack of learning media to distribute learning materials based on English teacher interviews

The objective of this study was to find out the which teaching materials are suitable for learning English grade 5 of SD Negeri 4 Ternyang. This study uses a research and development approach (Research and Development). The development procedure follows the Borg and Gall procedure which can be done more simply by involving 6 main steps, namely: 1) Research and data collection 2) Planning 3) Product development 4) Expert validation 5) Revision 6) Revised product.

The results of the assessment of the material expert test obtained a score of 77% in the good category, the assessment results from the media expert test obtained a score of 86% in the very good category. Therefore the teaching materials for the English learning module in grade 5 are suitable for use in learning activities.

Regarding the further development of learning module as supplementary teaching materials for learning English for elementary school grade 5 about the further development of learning modules as complementary teaching materials for learning English for grade 5 elementary school can be suggested to further researchers such as students who want to do similar research are expected to master technology, especially computers and expand the material, develop products at different grade levels, the product resulting from this research will be better and more feasible as a learning resource if it is tested on students in the learning process so that data is obtained in the form of values in order to determine the level of student learning abilities.



Keywords: learning module, English

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