Tindak Tutur Ilokusi dalam Kolom Komentar Akun Instagram @sathadcovif-19.id

Tindak Tutur Ilokusi dalam Kolom Komentar Akun Instagram @satgascovid-19.id

  • Siti fatima Fatima Fatima Siti Fatima
  • Endang Sumarti
  • Harry Surahman
Keywords: Tindak tutur, Tindak tutur Ilokusi, dan Akun Instagram @satgascovid-19.id


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk dan fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi dalam akun instgaram @satgascovid-19.id. Data penelitian berupa kata, frasa dan kalimat tentang bentuk dan fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi dalam kolom komentar akun instagram @satgascovid-19.id. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa kalimat/kata dan gambar dalam akun instagram @satgascivid-19.id. Instrument Penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri yang bersifat deskripsi kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa menyimak, memahami, mencatat, mengelompok, Analisisi kalimat dan hasil identifikasi akun instagram @satgascovid-19.id yang dijadikan sebagai laporan penelitian. Teknis analisis data berupa Reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Tahap penelitian berupa tahap persiapan penelitian, tahap pelaksanaan penelitian, dan tahap penyelesaian.

Kata Kunci : tindak tutur, ilokusi dan akun instagram @satgascovid-19.id

This study aims to describe the form and function of illocutionary speech acts in the @satgascovid-19id instagram account. Research data in the form of words, phrases and sentences about the form and function of illocutionary speech acts in the comments column of the Instagram account @satgascovid-19.id. The data sources in this study are sentences/words and pictures in the @satgascivid-19id instagram account. The instrument of this research is the researcher himself who has a qualitative description. Data collection techniques include listening, understanding, taking notes, grouping, analyzing sentences and identifying the results of the @satgascovid-19id instagram account which is used as a research report. Technical data analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research stage is the research preparation stage, the research implementation stage, and the completion stage.
Keywords: speech acts, illocutionary and instagram account @satgascovid-19.id

Abstract viewed = 785 times
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