The Relationship Of Mental Thoughness And Competitive Anxiety With Karate Referee Performance

Keywords: Competitive Anxiety, Mental Toughness, Karate Referee Performance


This study aims to determine: (1) To find out whether there is a significant relationship between mental toughness and referee karate performance, (2) To find out if there is a significant relationship between competitive anxiety and referee karate performance and (3) To find out whether there is significant relationship between mental toughness and competitive anxiety with the performance of karate referees. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method that uses 15 karate referees (kumites) that are licensed by the national college through a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using descriptive data analysis techniques while the calculation in a questionnaire using Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Based on the results of this study show that based on the analysis it can be seen that the relationship between mental toughness and competitive anxiety with the referee's performance is significant in other words the relationship is large and very influential when leading the match.

Author Biographies

Adi Rahadian, Universitas Suryakancana


Muhamad Syamsul Taufik, Universitas Suryakancana



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How to Cite
Lestari, R., Rahadian, A., Amrulloh, A., & Taufik, M. (2020). The Relationship Of Mental Thoughness And Competitive Anxiety With Karate Referee Performance. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 4(1), 98-108.
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