Characteristics Of Physical Condition Of Futsal Athletes In Cianjur District

  • Gerry Killat Universitas Suryakancana
  • Muhamad Syamsul Taufik Universitas Suryakancana
  • Awaluddin Awaluddin Universitas Megarezky
  • Deden Akbar Izzuddin Ilmu keolahragaan Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Eneng Fitri Amalia Universitas Suryakancana
  • Muhamad Guntur Gaos Sungkawa Universitas Suryakancana
Keywords: Analysis, Physical Condition, Futsal


The purpose of this study was to determine the physical condition of futsal athletes in the Provincial Sports Week Qualification Round. The method used is descriptive quantitative with test and measurement techniques. The population consists of 16 Futsal Futsal Athletes in the Qualification Round of the Provincial Sports Week, and will then be used as research samples. The instrument used is a test and measurement of physical condition of Endurance, Power, Agility, Speed ​​and Flexibility. Data analysis using T score. Based on the results of the analysis showed that the profile of physical condition in physical condition was in the good category with a percentage of 94% (15 people), in physical condition in the moderate category with a percentage of 6% (1 person). With an average of 17, the analysis of the physical condition of the BK Cianjur BK futsal athletes in 2021 is in the good category. That the results of the analysis show that the profile of the physical condition of the futsal athlete BK Porda Cianjur Regency in 2021 is in a good category, so the coach advises the player to better maintain physical condition towards preparation for the Qualification Round of the Provincial Sports Week, so that the training program can be adapted to the athlete's physical condition. This requires a lot of programmed training to increase the physical condition of the players.


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How to Cite
Killat, G., Taufik, M., Awaluddin, A., Izzuddin, D., Amalia, E., & Gaos Sungkawa, M. (2021). Characteristics Of Physical Condition Of Futsal Athletes In Cianjur District. Jp.Jok (Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga Dan Kesehatan), 5(1), 189-197.
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